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Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - Printable Version

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Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - Fletcher - 04-06-2011

This is a very nice offer:D Too bad I still haven't beaten Mass Effect 1, traded it in when I got bored of it.

Still, these are good games I heard.


Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-06-2011

' Wrote:This is a very nice offer:D Too bad I still haven't beaten Mass Effect 1, traded it in when I got bored of it.

Still, these are good games I heard.


There's no actually beating Mass Effect 1. There's re-playing it 2 or 3 times so that you can have all sorts of different choices available for when you start Mass Effect 2!

Now get off your lazy butt and go Shepharding! Military service can wait - you must defeat the Reapers!

Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - nunchakus - 04-07-2011

Hmm brilliant marketing or desperation? :rolleyes:
Don't get me wrong I love Bioware's games but the fact that I already purchased Mass Effect 2 is meh :mellow:

Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - r3vange - 04-07-2011

Desperation... Ok DA2 sold 1 000 000 copies but think about it, half of them were pre-orders, ME2 on the other hand is brilliant and everybody knows it, it's last DLC however is at the level of DA2. I am a Bioware fan for almost 10 years now, and this is the first time in my fan-life that I am genuinely afraid about the quality of their upcoming products. Let's hope that the boner EA has will go down so they can stop poking the devs to release a game every years and allow some proper designing time. I'd rather wait 5 years for Mass Effect 3 than experience what I did when I played through Dragon Age 2

Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - Fletcher - 04-07-2011

' Wrote:There's no actually beating Mass Effect 1. There's re-playing it 2 or 3 times so that you can have all sorts of different choices available for when you start Mass Effect 2!

Now get off your lazy butt and go Shepharding! Military service can wait - you must defeat the Reapers!
Trouble is I don't have my Xbox 360 no more nor a copy of Mass Effect... Though I've got some time due to me injuring my leg, but I'm spending that researching, resting and playing Hearts of Iron: Darkest Hour.

Even when that's over I got to tend to my friends, damn there are so many problems to try and sort out :laugh:

EDIT: I could buy it for pc though, but I don't want to dive that much time into it... I'm losing touch with WRPG's.

Buy Dragon Age II, get Mass Effect 2 free! - nunchakus - 04-07-2011

' Wrote:Desperation... Ok DA2 sold 1 000 000 copies but think about it, half of them were pre-orders, ME2 on the other hand is brilliant and everybody knows it, it's last DLC however is at the level of DA2. I am a Bioware fan for almost 10 years now, and this is the first time in my fan-life that I am genuinely afraid about the quality of their upcoming products. Let's hope that the boner EA has will go down so they can stop poking the devs to release a game every years and allow some proper designing time. I'd rather wait 5 years for Mass Effect 3 than experience what I did when I played through Dragon Age 2


I just hope SW:TOR won't be their achilles heel, being an MMO and all.