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To the GMG Guildmasters - Printable Version

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To the GMG Guildmasters - Echo 7-7 - 04-07-2011


[Image: Ageira-r.png]

To: The Guildmasters of the Gas Miners Guild
From: Ageira Technologies Board of Directors

Good day, Guildmasters.

I hope this message finds you all in good health, despite the tense situation with the Empire of Kusari. Allow me to cut straight to the point.

As you are no doubt aware, Kusari has blockaded the Okinawa system, and refuse entry to all corporate vessels save their own and Interspace Commerce. As a result, Libertonian transport vessels, namely our own, can no longer access the Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site in order to provide it with a steady supply of Gate Parts that are required for its completion.

Both of our respective parties stand to have significant financial losses of a magnitude that would make a man's stomach turn. Coupled with the Kusari-Liberty embargo, while of course neither of us had a hand in that, is killing our trade with Kusari. To top it off, Liberty is desparate need of more H-Fuel, and with this impending conflict, it makes difficult matters even more so by a thousandfold.

Guildmasters, I must ask you what you stand to gain from your actions. While I do not wish to criticise, when it comes to H-Fuel, all the Houses want a piece of the pie, so to speak, and it is in our best interests that this matter is concluded swiftly. We would prefer that things return to what they were in the past, but we're working with what we have for now.

However, I will make one thing clear. It is not advantageous for us to see the Guild crushed by Kusari. Perhaps I could remind you that apart from Gate and Lane Parts, we have sizeable stakes in Detroit Munitions, the chief weapons manufacturer and supplier for Liberty.

I await your swift reply.

Thaddeus Gideon

Ageira Technologies

To the GMG Guildmasters - Blodo - 04-07-2011

Comm ID: Katsuo Okazaki, Guild Master of the GMG
Location: Battleship Ayakashi Maru, Sigma-19

Message to: Ageira Technologies Board of Directors

Shin'ai naru Gideon-san.

I hope the weather on Manhattan is extraordinary this time of the standard Sirius year. It most certainly is on Honshu, but it also has a rather close orbit to the primary this decade. It is unfortunate that many members of the Gas Miners Guild will not be able to be on the surface to enjoy the weather due to present circumstances.

You see, Gideon-san, Kusari does not work in the same way Liberty does. Here, the Samura family is potent and the Emperor indulges in their financial and political power. He's a figurehead if you will, and as a result the situation the Guild is presently in - the blockade of Okinawa and Aomori - is unavoidable. It was expected, especially after the embargo on Liberty which has caused great losses to both the GMG and Kishiro Technologies.

Samura will stop at nothing to control Kusari. It has been their plan since their very formation, and now that we try to retake what is rightfully ours as compensation for the losses done to us by their war profiteering, the Naval Forces are used like a Samura pawn against us. There isn't much we can do, except resist their powerful grip.

But this is not why you are contacting us. Liberty needs H-Fuel, and we completely understand. Perhaps Ageira could use its privileged position in Libertonian society to make the Liberty government put pressure on the Kusari one, so that the Emperor's servants will not feel completely justified with their actions. I am sure you need not be convinced that once our struggle ends the H-Fuel flow to Liberty will commence with vigour once again.

May the sun shine on Manhattan gently but brightly this year.

[Image: Okazaki-seal.png]
Okazaki Katsuo
Guild Master of the GMG