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Disco Controversy - Bad Guy - 04-08-2011

Well not really, more the lack of it. Controversy is not allowed. Be controversial and you shall be sanctioned, eventually banned. That is what I have noticed.

Is it good or bad? Discuss but don't be controversial. Ya 'all be nice now ya hear.

Disco Controversy - Jack_Henderson - 04-08-2011

No one is against controversy.

But if you are out to stir OORP problems, you will eventually be sanctioned (which is the right thing to do in my opinion).

Ingame controversy is welcome in this community.
I also haven't seen constructive OORP controversy sanctioned.

But I haven't been around that long... it's still my impression.

Disco Controversy - nunchakus - 04-08-2011

Basically I don't care about it, I'm just here to have fun.

Disco Controversy - Dennis Jameson - 04-08-2011

Change is to Disco what arsenic is to a human being. That's all you really need to know.

Disco Controversy - Enojado - 04-08-2011

There's been plenty of controversy [A]round that didn't end in sanctions or bans.

You just have to play your cards right and not be an idiot about it.

Disco Controversy - Primitive - 04-08-2011

You just need to know right people on skype.

Disco Controversy - Bad Guy - 04-08-2011

' Wrote:No one is against controversy.

But if you are out to stir OORP problems, you will eventually be sanctioned (which is the right thing to do in my opinion).

Ingame controversy is welcome in this community.
I also haven't seen constructive OORP controversy sanctioned.

But I haven't been around that long... it's still my impression.

When I say "Controversy" I don't mean actually trying to upset other people simply for the fun of it or perhaps even revenge of some sort. I would have to agree, that sort of controversy could make Disco a poorer community if it were allowed without any sort of controls.

The controversy I am talking about is the critical sort. The type that tries to engage in debate. I know politics isn't allowed here, no problem with that, this is a game after all. More the ability to actually question actions from the community without always having the fear of a backlash or being told that you are trolling. Change ain't always bad, however, it can be detrimental as well. In my opinion it is always better to discuss things out in the open where people can have their say without fear.

That's the "controversy" I am talking about.

Disco Controversy - Primitive - 04-08-2011

Imagine this like an elementary school, if teacher doesn't like something you get punished even if you are right.

And kids who suck up to them are always right and you're always wrong.

Disco Controversy - Bad Guy - 04-08-2011

' Wrote:You just need to know right people on skype.

Ah yes, connections, always important to have. It is not "what" you know but "who" you know.

Disco Controversy - Enojado - 04-08-2011

' Wrote:Imagine this like an elementary school, if teacher doesn't like something you get punished even if you are right.

And kids who suck up to them are always right and you're always wrong.

Actually it would be the laid back kids that would get their way and the holier than thou nerdy types took the fall.