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To: Jack Aubrey - Printable Version

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To: Jack Aubrey - Wolfs Ghost - 04-08-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1director21.jpg]

Comm ID: Regis Lawson
Location: New London
Encryption: Extremely High
Subject: Notice

It's been quite sometime since we've both talked, my friend. My Agency is looking for some more specialized people in regards to what you're capable of. To put it bluntly, we need all the people we can get over here. My Agency has a few positions open regarding the field of work you've taken up.

Message back with your answer, if you get this. It's on my own personal communications.

Regis Lawson

[Transmission Terminated]

To: Jack Aubrey - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-08-2011

[Image: 264pxjanewavatar2.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Very High
ENCRYPTION: Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Colonel Jack Aubrey, Cerberus
SOURCE: CFS Terminus, Omicron Mu


[color=#FFFFFF]I never expected to see this in my whole life, especially from you, Regis. How much time, it was the Battle of the Upper Taus, right? A lot of time passed since, like an eternity. I heard that you are now leading the Mi5, and I'm also aware that you are doing a great job. Make the Queen proud, and make our enemies bow under the might of our Kingdom. A war is won from the start if you have the right informations.

On a sidenote, several agents reported that some Mi5 agents penetrated deep within the Edge Nebula, while I am curious about this, I am disturbed aswell. This is a very dangerous space, especially if you don't know it and if you don't respect it.

Fill me up with the papers. I'll take a look at them right now.

[Image: footend2.png]

To: Jack Aubrey - Wolfs Ghost - 04-08-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1director21.jpg]

Comm ID: Regis Lawson
Location: New London
Encryption: Extremely High
Subject: Notice

Once you've made it back to Bretonia space, I'll brief you on what the Task Force has done. I'll get Janet to transmit the papers to you. Welcome Aboard.

Regis Lawson

To: Jack Aubrey - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-08-2011

[Image: 264pxjanewavatar2.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Very High
ENCRYPTION: Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Colonel Jack Aubrey, Cerberus
SOURCE: CFS Terminus, Omicron Mu


[color=#FFFFFF]Tell Ralston that I'll pay a visit in Bretonia soon, and if he can allow me to dock on the Norfolk. We'll meet there.

[Image: footend2.png]