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Chronicles of Adel Eberhaart - Printable Version

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Chronicles of Adel Eberhaart - Domjan - 04-10-2011

Story facts:

Name: Adel Eberhaart
Alias: N/A
Height: 1,87 meters
Male , 23 years old, short dark brown hair

Chronicles of Adel Eberhaart - Domjan - 04-10-2011

Chronicles of Adel Eberhaart

*A cold voice echoed across the room*
"Tell us all about yourself, up to every little detail, and remember , no lying, you know the punishment for lying."

*Adel sighed*
It's just another test , I have to make it, I made all the other tests, and I'm better than the most. He thought to himself.

" Allright... I was born in 795 A.S. , on planet New Berlin , but I guess you already know that , father, a manager of finances in Kruger and mother unemployed. I was the only child. My father was always too busy and never really cared much about me I guess, and mother was always home and looking out for me. Guess money can't buy you happiness huh? I went to New Berlin Military Highschool , excelled there... And the rest you know... "

*Voice spoke once again*
"Very good! You have passed all of the tests for entrance, soon you will be given rank according to your success and test percentage, there is no backing down now. You will receive the best Military equipment we have. Welcome to BDM Mr. Adel , you can now go to the room provided to you there you will receive further instructions."

It's done already? I passed... He was slowly walking down the corridor to his room where it said >>No. 300-400<<

He closed the door behind him and clapped twice, lights turned on and he approached his desk with test results on it and his dossier. He flipped a few pages until he got to a page where it was written: " Test percentage: [color=#33FF33]97.86% , Rank: Special Agent "

Special Agent? They promoted me? Even thought I didn't even do my first mission?!

He had a feeling like he is going to throw up. He didn't want this kind of responsibility this early.
I really do hope I will get some field experience before filling in my rank duties first

He took a banana and went to sleep.