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Biography: Mason Collin Ryker - Printable Version

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Biography: Mason Collin Ryker - Coldzero - 04-11-2011

The Remnant'€™s Child

[Image: yPlY1.jpg]

Part 1: The Birth of a Colonial

Name: Mason Collin Ryker
Age: 19
Place of Birth: A colony in the Crayter Sector
Occupation: Captain of the Colonial Remnant'€™s Armed Forces

There isn't much to tell about Mason'€™s past. He was born one hundred years ago during The Exodus, November 10th, 700 A.S. The Exodus was a time when the Colonials were being threatened by an unthinkable event which occurred, a Black hole. The two prototype sleeper ships Orion and Gemini were reconstructed but there was no hope of rescuing all of the Colonials. Mason and his father Emmet '€œAce'€ Ryker were taken aboard the Orion, where the Ryker bloodline originates from. The past generations of Rykers served in the military. Most information on this was lost in the Crayter system. The sleeper ships carried on flying for a hundred years, computers were set to detect life forms and they stumbled upon them in the year 800 A.S. Passengers aboard the sleeper ships were woken up from their Cryo sleep and headed finally reached Sirus in 802 A.S. Colonials were thrilled to have found a place to get settled and most of them headed for Bretonia. Some, including Mason and his father, went to Kusari. They moved onto Planet Honshu where Mason was taken care of his father for another year. He had no mother because she had died during stressful birth.

Four years passed and Mason'€™s father during 803 A.S was appointed as President Jonathan Barrows'€™ Head of Security because of his outstanding performance as a combat pilot back in the Exodus when he defended some of the colonies against light attacks while evacuation them. He was hardly around to be with Mason and had employed a caretaker to look after him until Ace got back for the short while he was there until 806 A.S where President Jonathan Barrows was visiting Planet Harris and got assassinated during a Gaian Terrorist attack, Ace was killed a long with the few guards that were with him protecting the president.

Mason was only six years old at this point, living on Honshu. He was taken in by an orphanage which took care of him for a few years when the caretaker couldn't take care of him any longer. Mason was never picked on by the older kids, never made fun of since his temper would sort them out followed by his flurry of fists. His temper was caused when his father never came back and he found out he was killed in action. Each time there was a fight in the Orphanage, you knew Mason was involved and giving the poor sod that caused the trouble with him a beating of a life time. Mason never backed down from a fight, even when he was punished, he gave caretakers crap since he wouldn't take the crap they dished out to him. He always looked out for kids being picked on and that's how they came to respect him.

Two years later, 808 A.S, Mason turned eight years old. Him and some of the other orphans went to a park where he had seen Hikari for the first time. She was only Ten at the time but he thought he died and went to heaven since he saw an angel in front of him. Hikari was with her parents and they noticed Mason looking their way. He interested them enough that they came over to speak to him. Mason wore an untucked white button up shirt, his sleeves were rolled up and a couple of the buttons at the top were undone. His hair untidy but the colour was black and light seemed to bounce off of it. He had a pair of blue jeans on and some white sneakers, although a little dirty, made his scruffy appearance. Hikari'€™s father, Hiro, approached the '€˜scruffy child and knelled down in front of him.

'€œKonnichiwa little boy. What is your name?'€ Mason heard him talk and nodded but didn'€™t answer. He kept staring at Hikari. Hikari was playing with flowers at the time.

'€œLittle boy?'€ Mason looked at Hiro.

'€œYo. Sorry for that. The names Mason.'€

'€œAh! Mason-san! How nice to meet you. My name is Hiro. Over there is my daughter, Hikari and my wife, Ayako.'€ Mason looked at Hikari again.

'€œThat'€™s your daughter? Holy mother of...uhm. Pleased to meet you guys. Is it okay if I went over to her and spoke to her?'€

'€œHai hai!'€ Mason walked over to Hikari, leaving Hiro and Ayako behind. Hiro turned to his wife and began speaking to her though it wasn't heard by Mason. He stood beside her, little nervous at first but he got a grip of himself.

'€œYo there Hikari!'€ Hikari gave a short scream and jumped into the flowers, followed by looking up at Mason who seemed a little confused. She blushed and waved shyly at him.

'€œErr.. ya need a hand up?'€ She shook her head slowly and got up by herself and out of the bed of flowers.

'€œOkay.. Well my name is Mason. Pleasure to meet you.'€ He gave a warm smile to her and she blushed and ran to her mother, hiding behind her dress. Mason kicked a stone and it rebounded off of a larger one, smacking him right between the eyes.

'€œOu, ou, ou, ou, ou! Babo Jjang! (Stupid rock!)'€ He exclaimed as he held is now red forehead. Hiro looked at him and knelled down beside Hikari and asked her to go help him. She nodded shyly after blushing and went to Mason'€™s aid.

Hiro discussed after Hikari left that he'€™ll bring her around to see Mason more since they seemed to get along as he could tell that Hikari liked him which in this case, he knew that Mason would take care of Hikari as she grew up since she was too sensitive to use her lessons of Martial Arts against anyone else. Everything would be at ease from now.

End of Part 1

Biography: Mason Collin Ryker - Coldzero - 04-12-2011

Part 2: A New Life

A day passed by and Hiro had decided to leave Hikari at the orphanage for the day when her parents went and did their work for the day. Hikari'€™s parents were peaceful people. They wouldn't get angry at most things, only if nature got harmed. They'€™d protest to the destruction of natural environments but they would always be ignored. Unfortunately, life is cruel and unforgiving in that way. There isn't a great deal of good in life and where there are small sparks of it, it'€™s pushed aside and laughed at like Hikari's parent'€™s were, though they never gave up their fight. They did gather few followers to their '€˜protect nature'€™ cause but it wasn't enough for bigger jobs at stopping planets from being terraformed and such.

When Mason got news he got a visitor, he didn't know who to expect..kind of the fact that he was beating on some kid who tried to steal the little money he gets as an allowance from the orphanage. It wasn't much but he looked he looked after what he got. He got hold of a stick that was shaped in the form of a Y and he managed to make a slingshot toy out of it. He wouldn't shoot stones at people...most of the time. If he did, it was probably since he saw someone picking on someone else and got bully'€™s attention the easy way - stone to the arse. In most cases, this ended up with a valiant charge from the bully...into Mason'€™s shoe. Mason knew a little of martial arts but was too much of a hot head to use them. He most of the time swung his fist and stuffed people up the old fashioned way.

Back to Hikari. When he got news of his visitor..he stumbled away from the person he beat the crap out of and went ahead to see who it was. When he caught sight of Hikari again...his heart dropped to his feet and froze for a second. Hikari walked up to him and smiled in a shy way, also blushing at the same time. She was always nervous around Mason. Mason tried to speak but the words wouldn'€™t come out. One of his friends came over and nudged him.

'€œMason-san. Say something. Don'€™t go soft!'€ Mason turned to him.

'€œYe ye, I know what I'€™m doing...kinda.'€ His friend face palmed as Mason tuned back to Hikari.

'€œYo Hikari. I..errr... didn't expect to see you again so soon.'€ As Mason started speaking, his friend wondered off to join with the other friends of his.

'€œHai..its okay, Mason-san.'€ Said Hikari in a low voice.

'€œWoo! You spoke to me! I mean..Good to see you again'€ Mason smiled warmly at her while thinking what a fool he was right then. Hikari nodded and blushed.

'€œHave you noticed you blush quite a lot?'€ Asked Mason in a playful voice. Hikari looked away as she kept blushing.

'€œWhat I say? I'€™m sorry. I didn't mean to upset you..if I did or something..'€ Hikari turned back to Mason and smiled at him.

'€œHai.'€ she said softly. Mason turned around and started showing Hikari the playground.

'€œErr well standing around doing nothing isn't really cool I guess. We have swings over there, some bouncy cra...uhh stuff over there and...'€ Mason spun around to her and have her a delicate pink flower while smiling confidently. '€œ...A flower here!'€ Hikari looked at it and smiled. Mason took it and put it into her hair carefully.

'€œLook at that! Pretty...uh.. not that you weren't before or anything like that '€˜cause you were and still are, right?'€ Mason sighed and face palmed. '€œI'€™m such an dummy!'€ He thought to himself while Hikari looked at him with a kind of blank expression.

'€œRight..'€ Mason took her hand gently and pulled her along to the swings.

'€œThis way to the swings!'€ shouted Mason playfully as Hikari followed him hastily. She had no choice since she was being pulled along. Mason helped her onto the swing and pushed her slowly at first. Hikari help onto the ropes and got scared at first but got use to the feel of the swing and enjoyed it. She started winging by herself while Mason when to the other swing.

'€œCheck this out!'€ He ran up to the swing and jumped onto it, gripped the ropes and started swinging while standing on it. Hikari giggled at the sight while Mason gave a wide smile and thought to himself '€œI'€™m awesome.'€ Just before he lost grip of the rope and fell on his arse.

'€œOU!'€ Explained Mason as he got up from the ground. Hikari stopped swinging and help over to him.

'€œAre you okay, Mason-san?'€ Hikari asked quietly.

'€œYe ye. The ground is harder than my butt. Who knew?'€ said Mason as he started rubbing it. Hikari giggled and the bell was rung for lunch. All of the kids went inside to have lunch, including Mason and Hikari however, Mason couldn't sit still long enough to enjoy his food, on the account his ass was aching from the height he fell of the swing from.

A year passed and Hikari and Mason always managed to see each other. Mason got granted funds from Mr Shizen-no and was able to be sent to the same school as Hikari. Mason didn't live in the same house as Hikari though. Mason looked out for Hikari while at school. Beat the crap out of kids who picked on her, not the girls though but he just called then names and such. He'€™d sometimes get called into the office to explain is action against the other school mates and always answered with remarks such as '€œThey pissed me off so I sorted them out myself.'€ Each time he got punished for it. It wasn't a beating or anything. Instead, he was taught respect and made to follow rules. He'€™d either have help the cook or clean every of the boards in the school. He detested this since it took up time which could be used for seeing Hikari. After a few months in the new school, he was more disciplined and followed rules better. There was the occasional beating to some of the bullies around the place and Mason would get pulled out of trouble from other kids backing him up. Unfortunately, he got his arse kicked a few time since the school offered martial art lesson, for free up until a point. Hikari passed the point and was being funded the lessons by her parents. Her parents decided it would be okay for Mason to learn some of the moves from Hikari as well since they knew he wouldn't harm her. They took it slow and managed like that, even though Hikari would accidentally knock Mason to the floor with well executed moves. The most common one Mason learned was when the opponent throws a punch straight at him, to sidestep, grab the arm and help him along to the ground using his leg to stop his opponents balance. It worked well at some points but not against Hikari who was always better than him.

They were best friends. They were mostly together whenever they could be, regardless of situations or times. A year afterwards, Mason turned ten and was enjoying life on Planet Honshu. He met up with a young Corsair called Aaron. He didn't tell him his last name but Mason and Hikari didn't mind. Aaron had told them that he was with his uncle on some sort of business trip and Aaron couldn't be left alone on Crete. Aaron'€™s parents were dead. His mother died from a sickness when he was only two years old. His father died on some mission that was too classified to be told to him. Not even his uncle, Rodrigo, knew. All Aaron said is when he catches his father'€™s killer, he'€™d make him suffer. There was no further discussion on that topic. They spent time in the park, since that'€™s where Rodrigo would leave Aaron. He trusted that Aaron wouldn't do anything foolish like run away or anything. He was left by himself and he seemed to meditate. Meditation at the age of fourteen? Aaron is a fencer as well as a marksman. His skill with a rapier and pistol aren't matched...thus far. He started training to use the weapons at the age of twelve. The only weapon he could carry around with him however was his training rapier. He could use it for defense if needed but he didn't have to. He just about always managed to talk his way out of situations.

After a few weeks, Aaron left back to Crete when his Uncle was finished. Mason and Hikari missed him. It wasn't long after that the Colonials had finished construction of stations in Tau-44 where a ship was gathering up the Colonials that were spread out across Sirius. Most of them went but some didn't. Mason didn't want to leave Hikari but had no choice in the matter. He was taken aboard an IMG Transport where he was taken back to Colonial civilization.

End Of Part 2

Biography: Mason Collin Ryker - Coldzero - 06-17-2011

Part 3: Tau-44

When Mason got to Tau-44, he didn't know what to expect. He was taken from his life on Honshu to Sulawesi Station, a military instillation that monitors forces that enter through the Tau-23 jump hole. It was badly damaged from battles that took place around its vicinity. Sulawesi has a large, dense asteroid field in front of it which slows ships down, allowing fighter wings and other strike crafts to intercept them. Apart from that, the heavy armor that the station has, makes it quite a good vantage point for Colonials.

Mason was astonished when he set foot on the station and began exploring it. He was always fascinated by weaponry of any caliber. In a short amount of time, he already impressed some of the military personal with his devotion and eagerness to learn how to fly star ships, shoot guns and throw some punches. For the most, Mason was trained on the station for five years when he refused to board the ship sent from Minato to become an Republic citizen and begin working there as a diver or fisherman. The people of the Sulawesi liked Mason and showed it to him by letting him join in in some of the games. They'€™d tease him sometimes but it wasn't anything serious. Everyday, he'€™d get up and do fitness training to get his body conditioned for the forces of flying a space ship with skill. He'€™d then go do hand-to-hand combat training for when he had to board vessels and stations to secure them when in close quarters. Afterwards, weapon handling exercises. He was trained to use rifles, Sub-machine guns, pistols, tried to train with Heavy Machine guns but he couldn't lift the blasted things since they were too heavy for him. As he got older, he got better with all of the weapons, mostly with pistols. He has a record for shooting with pistols at far range and still hitting the target without missing, scoring more points than the marksmen did with sniper rifles. Mason eventually earned the Title of Gunslinger for his persicion and marksmanship with the use of pistols only. He was given the chance to have two unique pistols made for himself when he turned eighteen, all he had to do is collect parts of other weapons around Sirius and schematics on how they are built. He was no mechanic or technician, but he knew weapons inside and out.

Date: November 10th, 815 A.S, 08h00.

Today was the day when he Mason turned fifteen and joined the Military branch of the Colonial Republic. He was made a citizen while he did his training in the past five years. Instead of getting up at four am, his CO let him sleep in, which was unusual since he never thought of his birthday as any kind of special occasion. Mason got up from bed and made it, then proceeded to the showers and got cleaned up. When he got back to his quarters, he threw on a grey t-shirt, black pants with a black belt and button up flight boots. His hair was scruffy as usual, never combed it. He went around the base, wondering what the hell is going on. He checked the command stations, training stations, docking bays...nothing. At this stage, he got hungry and went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. When the doors opened, the people he trained with, his CO, and flight instructors yelled '€œSurprise!'€ which caught him off guard. He just about shat his pants and took a swing at the closest person and knocked him out, before hopping slightly and shaking his hand in pain.

'€œUhm...oops?'€ Mason said when he looked at his classmate.

It was Phil Baker. Phil was happy go lucky kinda guy who didn't give a crap what happened most of the time. One time he discharged his firearm in training by accident, not taking aim which then ricocheted into the instructors ass. He was told to help out in the kitchen for a month and suspended from firearm training. The instructor still walks funny and Phil isn't in his good books. He was a good shot and probably intended for it to happen but there was no evidence to support it.

Mason reached down and pulled him up, leaned him against the wall and slapped him to get him awake.

'€œFor the love of '€¦!'€ exclaimed Phil as he became conscious again from the slap.

'€œYou alright bud?'€ asked Mason, stepping back.

'€œYeah yeah. I'€™m cool. That was some swing though. Knocked me the ...yeah. Moving on.'€

'€œGood to hear it. So what is this? Thought we were under attack for a second..'€

'€œNah. We thought we'€™d give you a surprise'€™re getting old now man.'€

'€œMeh...don'€™t remind me.'€


Phil showed Mason a gesture to follow him and lead him to documents neatly stacked on the table. Mason greeted and thanked the people around him on the way to it and took a seat.

'€œ I'€™m looking at papers.'€ said Mason in a dull voice.

'€œYeah, flight authorization papers, Colonial Military sign up forms, blah blah blah.'€

Mason examined the papers closely and put them down. He was in shock that he got signed up and was to start training as a fighter pilot tomorrow morning, starting at 09h00. At least he figured out why he slept in but it wasn't going to stop him from getting up early. He shook his head and looked around. Everybody started clapping for him and he smiled and looked at the papers again.

'€œThis is so bloody awesome man!'€ he said excitedly.

Mason was left to enjoy his day and get to know the flight instructors better. The rest of his class were ordered back to training rooms to train and would celebrate Mason'€™s birthday in the evening.

Mason had so many questions about space and flying, he was ecstatic about finally being able to fly. The instructors got a bit tired from all the questions and stopped him from asking since he'€™d find out tomorrow. They lead him to the docking bays and helped him into one of the instructor'€™s ship. They launched and he got to see what Tau-44 really looked like. He only saw bits of it from different angles around the station but nothing like this. A mixture of different shades of blue and white, viewed all around Tau-44 creating space appearing to look like puffy clouds which spiraled to a point in space with stars scattered around it when he looked down. Looking above, he'€™d see black space with stars scattered across it as if it were black canvas and in a point of side of Tau-44, where the Green and Blue Dwarfs are, he could see a green cloud. In the distance stood a light blue planet, Borneo, where Minato Harbor orbited it. Looking in another direction, much further away was a yellowish-brown planet called Mindanao, a planet rich with some kind of mineral, but too dangerous to harvest. Further into the another direction stood a dark blue planet called Malakka. It was told that this planet had valuable ore on it.. but due to its heavy dense atmosphere, mining operations were impossible. Unlike most gas giants, Malakka had a core so its undetermined what it is right now. A stellar body that was called Palawan was Malakka'€™s neighbor. Scientist weren't able to classify it since its too large to be a moon and too small to be a planet.

After exploring Tau-44 with his instructors, they docked with Sulawesi Station again and got rest for the next day.

He continued training for the next year and during sometime in 816 A.S, Mason returned to Kusari to find out how Hikari was doing and if she was alright since it was the beginning of the war between Kusari and Bretonia.

End Of Part 3