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Have you ever had the feeling... - Printable Version

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Have you ever had the feeling... - BloodDragon - 04-12-2011

Things that are childish are mostly fun, I'm playing this game for fun, I don't give two strudles about if it's childish or not.

Edit: Awesome wrong account ...

Have you ever had the feeling... - ProwlerPC - 04-12-2011

It's a phase.

.86 is taking too long to come out

Have you ever had the feeling... - ryoken - 04-12-2011

' Wrote:It's a phase.

.86 is taking too long to come out

I was taking too long a year ago. Now it is just a crock.
On topic. Yeah i got bored,why i stopped playing and went to SWWT for now. Atleast something new to explore,and new ships to fly.

Have you ever had the feeling... - nunchakus - 04-12-2011

Its probably the fatigue that's setting in, no fun last forever and things will get boring eventually, well at least in our own perspectives. Until that time comes people like me just play along with it.

Have you ever had the feeling... - ryoken - 04-12-2011

' Wrote:Its probably the fatigue that's setting in, no fun last forever and things will get boring eventually, well at least in our own perspectives. Until that time comes people like me just play along with it.

Yeah i been playing along,but after 2 years with no changes? just got boring. RP got stale,and Disco has just become unfun. SWWT has maybe 5-10 players only on at a time,but so far they RP better then Disco. And RP their is not really required,and you do not get slapped for not following others.

Have you ever had the feeling... - Captain - 04-12-2011

its a phase imo, change what you regurly do ingame and try something fresh,

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Have you ever had the feeling... - tansytansey - 04-12-2011

Roleplaying for me is about creativity and freedom. There is little creativity in Discovery, and almost certainly no freedom. At all times you're being watched over by someone with a big stick who will slap you on the wrist if you even attempt to do something creative or different. There comes a point when a creative mind will need to break free of the shackles that are confining it, and that's when roleplaying here gets boring.

Never hit a man with a closed fist, it is, however, on occasion hilarious.

Have you ever had the feeling... - DodgeOld24 - 04-12-2011

Congratulations Spazzy, you know feel like playing Freelancer the same way I like to.

[Image: emoticon-00148-yes.gif]

Have you ever had the feeling... - Jinx - 04-12-2011

times change...

only like 30 years ago ( one generation ) - it would have been totally impossible to think of any "serious" adult playing computer games. - games were developed by very small low budged teams or single persons - they were a níche product - and most games were aiming for customers in their teens.

in the last years - computer games grew up WITH those teens - which are now adults - and still enjoy playing computer games. there is a funny developement... first - games became a lot more complex with this "first generation" of players - but recently, they got dumbed down again to satisfy the next generations, too.

same thing happened with "games" in general. - when it was only "cool" to enjoy a mature games like chess, poker etc. as adults one or two generations ago - or the occasional monopoly, people have grew up with roleplaying games, too.

AD&D is not a tabletop game for spotty and unpopular teens/nerds anymore - the nerds have grown up... and in many cases - those nerds have become more successful in RL than the former popular highschool ppl. - those people still enjoy playing - and they cater new generations.

good roleplaying requires a lot of the comtetences that people MISS these days:

- social competence
- empathy
- fairness
- competitiveness
- fun
- and more

for a generation that works to enjoy life - games and roleplaying games are a natural addition to life. - especially these days - where it becomes more and more important to "leave" the RL problems temporarily to dive into an "imaginative" world ( see popularity of programs like second life, WoW etc. )

in short - games / roleplaying is not childish - but it WAS childish a generation ago.

Have you ever had the feeling... - lw'nafh - 04-12-2011

Discovery roleplay as it is, is still /very/ childish. People only 'RP' anymore to cyber, in my experience.