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Hello from a Tio :p - Printable Version

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Hello from a Tio :p - Threeinone - 04-14-2011

Hello all I'm Tio... Well more so I'm John! well actually I'm "Threeinone" witch then gets shortened to T.I.O. so yeah... I'm Tio ^^ that's "T-O" or "Tee-Oh" for those having hard time pronouncing it.

anyway! I'm John "Threeinone" Tailor but you can call me Tio! Everyone else dose and I don't mind one bit. I am an Uncle after all and Tio is Spanish for uncle! SO Think of me as everyone's favorite uncle:P

Anywho... I've been a HUGE fan of Freelancer for a long time. when I was a young teen one of my best friends plaid it and I fell in love. It's taken till now to get my own copy so that I could play! and then! I found this mod witch is epic and makes the game 300% better <3

I'm planing on joining a few factions, mostly some basic ones to help me along in the game. but my main goal is to raise in ranks of the Bretonian Armed Forces.

I'm in the midst of writing the Bio for my character in the form of a short story to be posted in the story section so keep a look out for that ^^

Anyways! Questions? Comments? wanna hunt me down and kill me O-o? Well then ask away in this thred I'll do my best to answer everyone ^-^!

Hello from a Tio :p - Malaclypse 666 - 04-14-2011

Greetings on all points of the Hexagram.


Hello from a Tio :p - Threeinone - 04-14-2011

' Wrote:Greetings on all points of the Hexagram.


hey your the guy who helped me out arn'tcha :D

Was hoping I'd see you.

Hello from a Tio :p - Malaclypse 666 - 04-14-2011

' Wrote:hey your the guy who helped me out arn'tcha :D

Was hoping I'd see you.

Who? Me?

I'm not even here.

BAF, ya better grab this one quick, before someone else does. He's the Right Stuff.


Hello from a Tio :p - Tanker - 04-14-2011

Greetings, and Welcome!

It is always nice to see someone jump right in, especially both ingame and on the forums. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.


Hello from a Tio :p - Zelot - 04-14-2011

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Keep your ears and eyes open, and don't be afraid to speak your mind, no matter what anyone tells you. Just remember, this is an internet gaming community, the most important part being the community part. Be thoughtful, be nice, be respectful. Most importantly, always remember it's a game you are playing for entertainment.

Oh, don't be afraid to ask for help, you can shoot me, or any of the other mods a pm if you run into any problems.

Edit: By the way, if Mal and Tank think you are the thumbs up, you might be just what we are looking for in the IND. Look us up when you think about getting into the trading RP.

Hello from a Tio :p - Rusty_Razor - 04-14-2011

:O awesome! hope to see you in space one of these days...Rusty_Razor is my ign

Hello from a Tio :p - Gman513 - 04-14-2011

Hi, Read the Rules, Dont break them, don't gank, Dont be a lolwut. Be COOL. :cool:

Also maybe if you're lucky i can send you home in a escape pod when i fly by in my Benitez :P

Hello from a Tio :p - Werss™ - 04-14-2011

Welcome new RPVPlayer...have fun

Hello from a Tio :p - Veygaar - 04-14-2011
