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Lament for the Lamo family - Printable Version

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Lament for the Lamo family - Dashiell - 04-17-2011

'tis here, my tragic tale of lost love. A man only knows what he has when he loses it. Why must fate be so cruel? Why must life be so hard? And why is there gum on my seat?

[Image: sad-man-silhouette.jpg]

Lucy Lamo...

I met her at West Point in the bar. I was just done screaming at Dimitrova to shut the hell up and go patrol alone, as I was too busy. Too busy getting drunk. Then i saw her. She was standing there. Like an angel. That smile, those eyes, those big round ti-, I mean shoulders.

We were attracked to each other like my fighter to a SNAC. We started dating that day. It was all so good. The times we had, but now... she is dead.

[Image: lamo1dood.jpg]

She was fighting a Rheinland Wraith in her Defender. And she was winning, I've been told. (probably all bullpoo as she even had trouble actually lifting off planetside, let alone dogfight properly)

But she died as her defender was crushed from behind, by the incompetent commander of the LNS-Starkiller

I am truly broken by this loss. Time to hit the bottle again... or just call up her lister, Lillian.

Lament for the Lamo family - Dashiell - 04-27-2011


[Image: sad_man.jpg]


You comforted me when your incompetent sister was killed by a directionally challenged Liberty dreadnaught. You tried to make me feel better. And you did. In fact, I felt better with you than I had ever felt before.

Our vacation in the mountains to mourn whatshernameagain was so much fun. Not only did the flowers there bloom, but our love as well.

The pleasure, the lust. Your sweaty forehead... Hot steamy....

meals from the oven. It tasted so good! I enjoyed your cooking, as you enjoyed seeing me pencil push all your fraud, stealing and general crooklike behavior away.

Then word reached you: trouble at West Point.
And then the fateful order befell you. 'Attack someone' said Hale...

And you did. But that bastard hellfire... He snuck up from behind and ended your career as well as your life (and your child alimony)

[Image: screen1-8.jpg]

Ashira Kogomi, I will hunt you to the ends of Sirius to avenge my fallen love. And hale, I'll get even with you. you sent you to die!

No words can describe how I feel right now. Maybe Luna, your sister can tell me what I feel. Or maybe she can cheer me up...