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Server testing #13 - Printable Version

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Server testing #13 - Cannon - 04-18-2011

I have finally found the mining update files and deployed them. The price changes will take place after the next restart - in 10 minutes from now.

The vast bulk of these changes have kindly been prepared Aeternus. Thanks man.

Sell points & prices:
  • Cobalt ore to Ingolstadt -> Price set to 7700 to be in line with the overall commodities.
  • Beryllium to Alesia -> Price set to 7700 to be in line with the overall commodities
  • Gold to Alesia -> Price set to 10700 to promote activity/conflict with and in Gallia.
  • Copper ore: Additional sellpoint at BPA Newgate, 5500 credits. Texas price on copper increased to promote smuggling attempts, additional sellpoint allows for a legal alternative.
  • Added sell point for Beryllium on New Berlin (6000). However, 1200 credits per unit less on the sell price in respect to The Ring. This is to promote using trade faction ships for moving ore.
  • Added Hydrocarbon mining to Daumann (x1.0, same as BMM and Samura).
  • Mollys and Red Hessians receive mining bonuses when using the Basalt, Dacite and Mafic as well now. Doesn't make sense they'd not be able to use these.
  • Fighter mining craft receive a 25% bonus to ore yields over the Hegemon. This is to promote team play and player interaction, and discourage solo mining using the Hegemon. Remember, you can target a friendly transport within 1KM of your location to fill it, instead of yourself. The "Miner ID" is not affected by this cooperative play incentive.
  • For ALG the RAT gives a 25% bonus on Toxic Waste and Scrap Metal
  • For Junkers the CSV, CSF and Recycler give a 25% bonus on Scrap Metal
  • Added a x1.0 bonus to the Miner ID for: Helium, Oxygen, Water, Alien Artifacts, Alien Organims, Hydrocarbons. Using the default mining ships.
  • Added a x1.0 bonus to the Corsair ID for Alien Artifacts using the following ships: Pirate Transport, Correo, CSV.
Other notes:

Fighter and transport mining turrets now for sale on Planet New Berlin. All Rheinland mining factions can pick them up from there.

Mining with non-mining ship combinations and hitting with a non-mining turret is again possible although at a greatly reduced rate. Both these changes are to allow guard/escort ships to assist miners if they have no enemies to deal with - prevents players from sitting around with nothing to do during group play.

GMG bonuses are unchanged be for now - until a more definate plan for those, in respect to gas mining, can be worked out.

Apart from the large outage due to hosting issues, the server seems quite stable now. This is nice. I think we're getting fewer crashes than we used to have.

As usual, post issues and complaints here.

Server testing #13 - rwx - 04-18-2011

' Wrote:Copper ore: Additional sellpoint at BPA Newgate, 5500 credits.

hmm, is there still a BMM rep ninja for DHC?
Evertime I get a BMM NPCs on scanners, BAF/BPA turns red and fires at me.


Ok, found.
Quote:5) DHC-BMM repninja removed

Server testing #13 - Jinx - 04-18-2011

sounds reasonable - although i m still not quite sure if the mining was a blessing of a curse for disco ( in general ... or something like gallia [ no idea if its a blessing or a curse ] )

but - since these changes can be made without physical updates - i guess at least those can reflect upon a dynamic situation.

Server testing #13 - ryoken - 04-18-2011

I like most changes,but as for Oxygen, Water,and hydro carbon mining? No one does it,as their is no good selling points. Best price is 15minutes away,and still pays crap all.These prices need a huge increase before anyone will bother mining them. Even as RP mining/cargo it is useless as pirates still demand like 5mil,and you will not even earn 2mil for a 5K train.
As for the rest? great job.

Server testing #13 - Hielor - 04-18-2011

Good news all, I might dust of my Spatial for mining now. Thanks for the work!

One part I'm concerned about:
' Wrote:[*]Added a x1.0 bonus to the Miner ID for: Helium, Oxygen, Water, Alien Artifacts, Alien Organims, Hydrocarbons. Using the default mining ships.
Good to hear overall, but the bolded bits are what I'm concerned about.

This doesn't really bring back Helium mining in Penn as a way for new players to get money, because the starting mining ship has almost no cargo space. Since it's not possible to mine with any other ID (and not possible without the mining lasers), you won't be able to mine Helium with any /restart other than the miner restart, so you'd have to use the Basalt, which means you spend ten seconds mining helium to go get $12000 at Erie.

Not to mention that the miner restart is hostile to liberty criminals, which means you'll have Rogues after you in that cloud...

Server testing #13 - ryoken - 04-18-2011

' Wrote:Good news all, I might dust of my Spatial for mining now. Thanks for the work!

One part I'm concerned about:

Good to hear overall, but the bolded bits are what I'm concerned about.

This doesn't really bring back Helium mining in Penn as a way for new players to get money, because the starting mining ship has almost no cargo space. Since it's not possible to mine with any other ID (and not possible without the mining lasers), you won't be able to mine Helium with any /restart other than the miner restart, so you'd have to use the Basalt, which means you spend ten seconds mining helium to go get $12000 at Erie.

Not to mention that the miner restart is hostile to liberty criminals, which means you'll have Rogues after you in that cloud...

I guess you missed this part of Cannon's post?
Mining with non-mining ship combinations and hitting with a non-mining turret is again possible although at a greatly reduced rate. Both these changes are to allow guard/escort ships to assist miners if they have no enemies to deal with - prevents players from sitting around with nothing to do during group play.

Server testing #13 - Soban - 04-18-2011

Just to know, the depletion system is still on ?

Server testing #13 - Tomtomrawr - 04-18-2011

I'm happy about the 25% extra bonus for the smaller mining ships, and certainly hope it will, as you also hope, promote team play.

Server testing #13 - AeternusDoleo - 04-18-2011

' Wrote:Since it's not possible to mine with any other ID (and not possible without the mining lasers), you won't be able to mine Helium with any /restart other than the miner restart, so you'd have to use the Basalt, which means you spend ten seconds mining helium to go get $12000 at Erie.
You've not read the entire update log properly. Out of bonus mining is possible with any ship and ID now, although at a greatly reduced rate. Due to the very high drops in the helium cloud, it evens out - new players can mine there and fill up a CSV reasonably quick. A miner ID player can also fill up a train very quick with a Basalt or Dacite.

As for the Oxy, Water and Hydrocarb mining: It's something you can do for giggles. Hydrocarb has a short route from Tau29 to Tsushima (800 per unit) which is something Samura could easily do. We don't see many Kusari miners however - not sure why. Water and Oxy are easy and quick to mine - and can be sold anywhere. Convenient low-value cargo anyone can get at..

Server testing #13 - Oldum - 04-18-2011

The old sale points were kept the same right ?