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Shiploss on death - Printable Version

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Shiploss on death - Hone - 04-18-2011

Ok most people didnt like my shiploss on death idea, <(see origional post for points) mostly because they dont want to trade for ages to buy a new battleship, despite the fact that we need people to play as traders/miners the most of all - especially experienced players, and it's nonsensical for them to be throwing away battleships anyway.

But! What if all commodity prices were multiplied by 10? Then earning would be much faster - an average 8 mill run would net you 80 mill instead!

As a plus if it encourages old players to trade, then it helps the community.

Shiploss on death - ryoken - 04-18-2011

Increased pay out for cargo will just mean Larger pirate demands,and more Pirates. The whole ship gone if Dead is just a BS idea. Sorry to be so blunt,but you did not get it in the first topic. Ships gone when you die,will just mean Discovery is dead within a few weeks as everyone who does not have multiple ships to trade with to earn for others with all rage quit.

Shiploss on death - Implosion - 04-18-2011

It's still not going to work out.
Sure it makes sense,but I still don't want to make 10+ trade runs because I did a friendly PvP in Connie.

Shiploss on death - .:Polarkreis:. - 04-18-2011

I doubt there are more people around then you can count on the fingers of one hand who like to role play a trader. I personally dont want to be a trucker in this game, i want to play my "main" characters. Just NO! Also when you are not running a full prim BS - to equip a BS takes time, not all the equipment is sold at one base and one system - if i should equip one BS like it is equipped now, it would me take through 2-3 systems and 2 bases - so you can count 30-45 minutes + of setting up when you are lucky and you remember your previous ship's setup.

Shiploss on death - Bear - 04-18-2011

Put simply, no. It won't work. Having to work for your ships over and over is just adding to the grind that this game already is and is totally unnecessary. People will play traders/miners/whatever when they need money...which just so happens to be all of the time in this game. Might I also inquire as to what getting the older more experienced players trading will do exactly? If they are doing it because of this idea...chances are they'll be going hell for leather to try and get back their main characters ship...and not really bothering to role play anyway.

Shiploss on death - AeternusDoleo - 04-18-2011

No. Just plain no. This will make the game unplayable for the casual player who is just here for a good time and not for too much pvp. This will also increase the emphasis of the server on PvP instead of roleplay.

A creditwise penalty relative to the value of the ship is something I would support (IE: Capship goes boom, you lose 5% of the ship value in credits, which is quite a lot. No credits? Guns damaged to make up for the value - so you can end up with no guns on the ship).

Shiploss on death - Rommie - 04-18-2011

Err.. no. Reasons have been already posted.

Shiploss on death - ryoken - 04-18-2011

Actually. Now that i think about it? I would love to see a trial,and watch the player count drop to like 50Max just for a laugh. You all know it would. People would just stop playing until trial was announced as over,or they would hug bases like a baby does their blanky.:haha:

Shiploss on death - Matthews - 04-18-2011

[color=#FF0000]no, no and no again!
I don't wanna buy and equip all my ships again and again and trade it all again, simply because I'm crap in PvP.
also the server would be dead within DAYS.

Shiploss on death - michiyl - 04-18-2011

Funny ... I just imagined how it would be to leave Planet Erie for the first time for a newbie, and getting shot down there to another newbie who undocked a few seconds ago ... and then you have to create a totally new character:D

Or think of traders ... why bother with guns if your main button should be the one for activating bots and bats?:D

So ... again:

No. Not on the Discovery 24/7 server:cool: