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Children of Anarchy - Printable Version

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Children of Anarchy - Akura - 04-19-2011

[Image: ChildrenOfAnarchyBanner.png]

Children of Anarchy

[color=#e4b600]Gallic Brigands


The Children of Anarchy were once a great clan amongst the Gallic Brigands, one of the largest and most influential pirate gangs in the Gallic Border Worlds. During their prime years of the Second Gallic War, they were led by a warlord known as Gerard 'Butch' Marcoux, a man feared by the Royalists for his brutal guerilla tactics and operations. Butch did not live to see the end of the war though, as he and his elite bomber wing were wiped out by overwhelming Royal Navy fighters in 733 A.G.S. (817 A.S.).

The Children of Anarchy lived truely anarchistic for two years, as a dog with no master, until the rise of the Legion des Damnes in early 735 A.G.S (819 A.S.). The son of the late warlord Butch, Francis Marcoux, took it upon himself to follow in his father's footsteps, and keep the Brigands free, as they had operated for centuries before.

The Legion des Damnes had recently climbed to power, absorbing smaller Brigand clans and making themselves known as the dominant Brigand power in Gallic, stealing from Francis what he believed to belong to the Children of Anarchy, freedom. The Children of Anarchy view the Legion as military facists posing as Brigands, applying violence and military tactics within the structure of the Elder Council to corrupt and turn it for their own selfish goals.

The Legion had overstepped the line, they had gotten greedy and taken too much, and the Children of Anarchy intend to take it back.

Anarchy over Fascism.

The Children of Anarchy are willing to accept the Legion as a Brigand Clan, but not with the power they currently hold, true Brigands must be dominant, the Legion and it's ideals will have to settle for a seat in the Elder Council, and work with the Children of Anarchy to better the Brigands.


  • Overthrow the Legion des Damnes as the dominant Brigand force through the use of non-violence.
  • Restore the Elder Council of the Brigands.
  • Rebuild CoA Empire, including smuggling and piracy operations.

    And beyond that,
  • Expand into Sirius, making allies with the Sirius Unlawful Groups.
  • Possibly aquire blueprints to produce Sirian 'Borderworlds' ships.
  • Possibly corner a deal for complete control over Cardamine shipments to Gallia.


Union Corse
Other Brigands

Other Sirians who don't shoot at us

Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Colonial Remnant
Independant Miners Guild
Other Sirians who shoot at us


Tag: CoA|
ID: Brigands
IFF: Brigands

Tech Usage

All Brigand Tech. All Gallic Civilian Tech.
Permitted use of all Maquis, Council and Union Corse Tech.

Zone of Operation

All Gallic systems
Taus, Outcast Core systems


Crimelord - All Ships
Akura - Francis 'Frankie' Marcoux

Sergeant-at-Arms - All Ships
eXisTence E24 - Gilles Feydeau

Bandits - All Ships
Alfred "Alcin" Cinsaut
and some others

Rule Conflict and Conflict Resolution

The Children of Anarchy don't seek to be official beside the Legion des Damnes, we just believe that their non-Canon RP contradicts Igiss's Gallic Brigands Canon and that they belong as a minor clan, not the ruling one. The Brigands are ruled by a number of the largest Brigand factions, not one single faction.

We want the Children of Anarchy to take the Legion's place as official, if the Administration decide it to be. We'd be willing to accept a merge, as long as the Legion fix their broken place in Brigand canon.

Other Stuff

Theme Song
Favourite Font - Lucida Sans
Favourite Colour - Anarchy Gold

PM me if you're interested in this sort of thing.

Fire away with the comments and questions.

Children of Anarchy - Pinko - 04-19-2011

Well, I'm ready to give a good look at this. I say you have green lights from me.

Children of Anarchy - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-19-2011

Is this a joke?

Children of Anarchy - Rema 'Pesas - 04-19-2011

Well, isn't this interesting.

Children of Anarchy - Akura - 04-19-2011

' Wrote:Is this a joke?

Nope, deadly serious.

You gotta start answering for your roleplay. You can't expect to run a super-facist faction that completely controls the Brigands and not expect some kind of resistance.

The real Brigands want their freedom back. They became Brigands to be free, not to be ruled under a similar form of leadership as the King.

' Wrote:Well, isn't this interesting.


Children of Anarchy - Pancakes - 04-19-2011

Nice and all but Akura, brigads can't use Council tech without permission (unless you've talked with Mike).
sound to me something similar to the molly clans and their council.

Children of Anarchy - Enoch - 04-19-2011

Haters gonna hate.

I like:smile2:

Children of Anarchy - Ryummel - 04-19-2011

' Wrote:Haters gonna hate.

Children of Anarchy - Akura - 04-19-2011

' Wrote:Nice and all but Akura, brigads can't use Council tech without permission (unless you've talked with Mike).
sound to me something similar to the molly clans and their council.

That's why I put 'Permitted'.

"Permitted use of all Maquis, Council and Union Corse Tech."

Basically, we ask those factions for their ships in exchange for favours etc.

' Wrote:Haters gonna hate.

I like:smile2:


Children of Anarchy - sable - 04-19-2011

Legion des Damnes are free. Get your facts straight, Akurarawararwrararwa. Yeh, haters gonna hate.

' Wrote:Well, I'm ready to give a good look at this. I say you have green lights from me.

Oh now that's funny.