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To the Liberty Rogues - Printable Version

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To the Liberty Rogues - Liamgly - 04-19-2011

:::Incomeing Transmission:::

:: Comm.ID: [ToP]The.Spy ::
[Image: spy_achievements.jpg]


I represent a group known as ToP and we ... you could say we work for TiP, now as we understand you asked for some pilots to use as slaves and we have delivered exactly that.

' Wrote:
[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]

Dear Ashad;

While the slave trade is a lucrative one, our supply is not unlimited. We cannot manufacture, grow or harvest slaves like other commodities, they must be endentured. Mostly from people we don't like.

Here's how it is, the Outcasts put in an order for how many slaves they'll need to replace the ones who die, and we deliver. It doesn't matter to us how they get there, cause they're already bought and paid for, provided they actually get there. That means when carrying our goods you have to tread lightly and avoid local authorities. Any lost cargo will be your responsibility.

All surplus slaves are delivered to the Red Hessians.

If you want to help further, you and your boys can shoot down ships and round up pilots and deliver them to our bases. We use mostly Bounty Hunters and Civilians, and people we don't like, or who screw up on the job.

Keep that in mind.

Police and Navy officers are no good however, their neural nets are too easy to trace.

Eva, out.

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With this first lot of pilots we hi-jacked a transport vessle loaded with vacationers and brought them striaght to Niverton.






Pilots-5 part 2


As you can see we have brought you Civilians , VIPs’ , bounty hunters , Vacationers and xenos.
Something else you may notice is that while we were asking traders to hand over pilots we also asked them to hand over any Rogues or Hacker pilots they had and we returned them to your base.
Now I'm told that the TiP is working on getting more pilots.
We hope you are pleased with our work and look forward to doing business with you in the future.

::: Transmission Terminated:::

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