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lol-do-quickly-plz. - Printable Version

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lol-do-quickly-plz. - Henry320 - 04-22-2011

I need the dude with his wings and body cropped from the white background:

Crop out the thing he is sitting on. GOOD QUALITY.

Reward will vary on speed and quality. 50M or so.

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Febreze - 04-22-2011

' Wrote:I need the dude with his wings cropped:

Crop out the thing he is sitting on. GOOD QUALITY.

Reward will vary on speed and quality. 50M or so.

Hey, it's my first ever photoshop thingy. So its a bit (VERY) ametuerish. BUt, here it is anyway. Sure someone can clean it up a little bit. Sorry about it, please don't kill me!

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Henry320 - 04-22-2011

' Wrote:Hey, it's my first ever photoshop thingy. So its a bit (VERY) ametuerish. BUt, here it is anyway. Sure someone can clean it up a little bit. Sorry about it, please don't kill me!

Yeah its a bit scratchy on the sides :laugh:

I didn't word it right, I need the guys wings in, I was trying to say have his wings cropped so its just him and the wings.

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Febreze - 04-22-2011

Guess I mis understood, hmm. I'll have another attempt.

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Febreze - 04-22-2011

Okay, so now this is only my second time using photoshop, but I found a few tools to make it look a tincey bit better. Here it is. I wasn't sure wether you wanted the fabric at the bottom that used to over lap the thing he was sitting on, so I made a version that doesnt include it. Heres that one. Kind of looks like he's sitting in fog, doesnt it?

P.S. I found a thing called a blur tool, I fear I may of over used it..... But atleast it's not so sharp that it stabes your eyes

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Henry320 - 04-22-2011

' Wrote:Okay, so now this is only my second time using photoshop, but I found a few tools to make it look a tincey bit better. Here it is. I wasn't sure wether you wanted the fabric at the bottom that used to over lap the thing he was sitting on, so I made a version that doesnt include it. Heres that one. Kind of looks like he's sitting in fog, doesnt it?

P.S. I found a thing called a blur tool, I fear I may of over used it..... But atleast it's not so sharp that it stabes your eyes

Second one is the one I need, can you now just get rid of the background?

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Disco - 04-22-2011

EDIT: Made transparent

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Henry320 - 04-22-2011

' Wrote:[Image: vr6aah.png]

EDIT: Made transparent, stupid white outline >.<

Thats the idea, can you make it better on the edges? Getting rid of the white would be a start! :laugh:

Edit: On the right leg (In our perspective) You've cut it short, in the original it flows down conveniently and you can use it to make the both sides equal.

lol-do-quickly-plz. - schlurbi - 04-22-2011

imo, like the darker version more. if you choose i will fix the white.

[Image: angelh.png]

[Image: angelglow.png]

[Image: angelbettercolor.png]

[Image: angelcolorglow.png]

lol-do-quickly-plz. - Disco - 04-22-2011

[Image: 315y5jr.png]