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Local Chat - Eppy - 01-30-2008

As some of you may know, we have a Local Chat function in-game which broadcasts to all ships within scanner range. It is activated by entering /l into the chat box. The only problem: nobody knows about it, and the text comes out as green, same as Private. It's a great way to have a general conversation with your immediate area without having to Group, but nobody knows what it is, so I can't use it effectively. Is there some way we could promote this so it becomes a viable feature, maybe an automatic console message or something?

Local Chat - sn!p3r - 01-30-2008

or make the text another color:P

Local Chat - tfmachad - 01-30-2008

I always wondered why it hasn't been done yellow or some other color. I don't know if anyone can hack it to make it another color. What I try to do, not to much avail I tell you, is mark the local messages with something like *local* before it. But since this is not a widely adopted standard most people won't understand it. Also it's a bit annoying to write it in every sentence, so I'll drop it after a couple of messages or when I make sure everyone involved understood what it is about.

I say this is more useful and less confusing in less frequented areas. After trying for sometime I decided Manhattan is not a good place to use it, even though it would be the best place to avoid spamming system chat. Whenever someone pops in your radars they think you're directly talking to them. And suddenly you have 10 guys PMing you that you got the wrong person. If we worked out a widely adopted standard for marking this channel, it'd be more useful and less confusing. The color hack would be ideal.

Local Chat - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-30-2008

One thing to say, please don't use it outside Planet Manhattan, its a royal pain in the backside, and seems to
be an excuse to go OORP to the local population. Keep it to those who you want to talk to, or go to group
please. Like kids with a new toy ...


Local Chat - pchwang - 01-30-2008

Actually, I've always seen /l chat as a way to RP, because in a way, using system chat is not very realistic.

It broadcasts your messages everywhere, while typically local chat is just for the people right next to you. Makes more sense to use local chat.

Local Chat - senya - 01-30-2008

Using system chat is NOT realistic?
Maybe you should think about broadcasting with and without encyption.

Using local chat (this means an encypted channel) without permission (key) by the reciever is unrealistic.

@Hoodlum: Some players already abusing the /l feature for taxing. Some hours ago in Sigma13 for example.

Local Chat - mjolnir - 01-30-2008

' Wrote:Using system chat is NOT realistic?
Maybe you should think about broadcasting with and without encyption.

Using local chat (this means an encypted channel) without permission (key) by the reciever is unrealistic.
@Hoodlum: Some players already abusing the /l feature for taxing. Some hours ago in Sigma13 for example.

Ehm... abusing for taxing?

Hood talked about abusing it for ooC.

Taxing is very much in character.

And it is very realistic... you transmit without encryption on a low power that it can only be heard in your scanner range (14k).

Anyway.. it would be nice if it had a different color.

Local Chat - kingvaillant - 01-30-2008

Well When i'm using that function i type

/l LOCAL: gfdhsgh vghrscgrcgdf hggarvgrgar,.....

Local Chat - tfmachad - 01-30-2008

' Wrote:Well When i'm using that function i type

/l LOCAL: gfdhsgh vghrscgrcgdf hggarvgrgar,.....
That's a hell of a long sentence to remember, king.:lol:

Anyway, I agree that Hood mentioned abusing this for OORP reasons. That should be taken to private channels, if done.

Using it for taxing only makes sense. If I'm playing a law enforcer in a system and I "hear" people being pirated, it alarms me. If I don't "hear" it and never get to know what happened, shame on me for not keeping an eye on long range sensors.

The opposite is valid too. When I'm after someone and don't want to let this person know I'm tracking him/her, I'll use this short range channel to quickly ask ships passing by for information. It's quicker than searching for the ship's name in the list.

If only we could click the ship and open a private channel to it...

When I'm alone with someone (only person within scanners range), I hardly use PMs anymore.

Local Chat - Jinx - 01-30-2008

i dont use the local chat - i find it confusing. i can never tell if its a personal tell or local. so i either try to make an appropriate system chat - or try to browse through the chatlist to make a PM. well, everyone knows that the chatsystem in freelancer is beyond ancient.

IF we had the knowledge to upgrade it to at least todays standards - it would be the biggest improvement to roleplay and the mod, - much more than ships, stats etc. . anyway - i think writing :
/l local: <test here> is a good thing to do - you just cannot do it while you are fighting, unless you don t mind flying for a longer time in a good straight line.....