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Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Printable Version

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Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Zapp - 01-30-2008

I just had a trader ID'd transport kill my advanced train while I was tabbed out and not paying attention. When asked why he did it, he just said 'he had a list'. No messages, or anything. I get back to a deathmessage. That legal?

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - globalplayer-svk - 01-30-2008

as i know trader can escort traders or hutn pirates.but nothing about attacking other trader and kill him.

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Jinx - 01-30-2008

a trader can engage those that endanger the object it is escorting - or, as a transport himself defend himself - or attack unlawful targets, such as pirates that are a potential danger to it.

.... a trader should not attack anything else than pirates - or .. in short, should not attack anything else but those targets that are an immanent danger to himself. - now there are pirate tagged and IDed transports, too. by the rules, these are pirates - but when you think about it - a trader would not be likely to attack another trader, no matte what ID it has.

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - tfmachad - 01-30-2008

The way I see it, Traders should just strike back, never initiate a fight. Their goal is take a cargo somewhere, not shoot people around. Trader IDed fighters should behave like good escorts, not bounty hunters. They can attack pirates, but they should just do so when escorting cargo and when the pirate presents a danger to it. I'd go as far as say that when scouting for threats they shouldn't even attack a pirate that has done nothing to threat their cargo. They should RP ordering the pirate vessel out of their way, and if it won't go, then they can shoot to clear the cargo's path.

EDIT: Maybe... In a long shot, a good RPed escort could go hunt down an specific pirate who has wronged his organization recently, out of revenge or something. But given the possible implications of that line of RP, I'd suggest against.

EDIT2: Also, Zapp. He had a list of what? Of trader players that also play pirates?

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Spear - 01-30-2008

' Wrote:I just had a trader ID'd transport kill my advanced train while I was tabbed out and not paying attention. When asked why he did it, he just said 'he had a list'. No messages, or anything. I get back to a deathmessage. That legal?

Sounds like a blatant violation to me by someone who just wanted a kill. I would report that to be honest.

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - RickJames - 01-30-2008

' Wrote:I just had a trader ID'd transport kill my advanced train while I was tabbed out and not paying attention. When asked why he did it, he just said 'he had a list'. No messages, or anything. I get back to a deathmessage. That legal?

Would need a little bit more information here.

What ID do you have?

What Tag do you have?

What cargo were you hauling?

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - trekster - 01-30-2008

I agree with all above but also consider where you where at the incident and was there any local police/military about?

Usually the KOS lists are posted and have reasons to be put on them.

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Zapp - 01-31-2008

I was smuggler ID, Junker tag (fixing that...) and it was in Tau 29, the Baffin route. I asked him why he killed me, and all he said was he had a list... can't remember anything else. Killing my trader was ooRP, cuz my trader's never killed anything, he shouldn't be on a list.

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - Dab - 01-31-2008

' Wrote:I was smuggler ID, Junker tag (fixing that...) and it was in Tau 29, the Baffin route. I asked him why he killed me, and all he said was he had a list... can't remember anything else. Killing my trader was ooRP, cuz my trader's never killed anything, he shouldn't be on a list.
It was a personal attack, on you not your character, by the sound of it. Did you get an SS of the death message? If so, send it in to admins, as well as his 'little remark.'

Is it OK for Trader ID'd people to kill transports? - senya - 01-31-2008

Looks to me that someone mixed up his chars/roleplay

Feel free to post a bounty on his head. Just a proposal.