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hi folks - KrazeeXXL - 04-23-2011

I'm pretty new to this game (and this awesome mod) and just wanted to say hello:)

Recently, I got a bit sick of the most games I used to play and discovered this rare gem here. Don't ask me y I didn't play it b4.

Despite that, I'm a big Wing Commander 4 Fan and the first game I bought as I was 12 years old was Tie Fighter;)
I also played "Elite" quite a bit but seldom managed to dock correctly at the spacestations. xD

I remember as I wanted to buy Privateer 2 but never had the money for it back in these days.

I have to say that even in SP, Freelancer was really fun to me to play for the past two weeks.:)
I like the controls of this game and the maneuvers you're able to do with your fighter. And ofc that I don't have to use a Joystick anymore xD Don't ask me how many "Wingman Extreme"s I have broken in my life while playing X-Wing or Tie Fighter. I think at least 3 until I bought a MS Sidewinder 3D which did it's job quite well for lots of years. Unfortunately, as I've played Tie Fighter after all those years again, I've broken the main fire button... once again:lol:

Either way it was time for something new and I still know most of the Tie Fighter missions so it would've been boring anyways within a couple of days.

So now I'm here and I'm astonished and curious about the thriving rp-community here. Looks like fun and it seems like a good place to stay for a while.:)

So now after I read lots of stuff here in the past hours I'm eager to give it a go!

Greetz Krazee

hi folks - Tomtomrawr - 04-23-2011

Welcome to Discovery mate. Joysticks are pretty annoying and it's a shame that so many flight games require their use. I tried using one when playing Starcraft once, and for the life of me I couldn't shoot and steer at the same time. FL controls are very easy to grasp and allow a multitude of options such as steering one way and shooting in a completely different direction.

A brilliant way to quickly get involved in the RP community is to join an official player faction. There are some very active trading and pirate factions which could help you fund your first few characters. But don't forget that you can always just have an independent character and play independent of the official factions. I've had good experiences with official factions and when using independent characters of mine.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a PM over the forums.

hi folks - Domjan - 04-23-2011

Greetings , again a new member of the Discovery community, didn't even realize we reached 60k already.

Welcome to Discovery, try not to take it all to seriously and have lots'a fun!

hi folks - Werss™ - 04-23-2011

Welcome new RPVPlayer,have fun!

hi folks - Veygaar - 04-23-2011



hi folks - VoluptaBox - 04-23-2011

Damn you Caleb! :angry:


hi folks - Cond0r - 04-23-2011


hi folks - nunchakus - 04-23-2011

Welcome, enjoy your stay

hi folks - KrazeeXXL - 04-23-2011

thx for the nice welcome guys:)

' Wrote:Welcome to Discovery mate. Joysticks are pretty annoying and it's a shame that so many flight games require their use. I tried using one when playing Starcraft once, and for the life of me I couldn't shoot and steer at the same time. FL controls are very easy to grasp and allow a multitude of options such as steering one way and shooting in a completely different direction.

I think you meant Starlancer, did you?;)yea Joystik might be ok for games like Mech Warrior or such but I'm glad about the great way you can use the mouse here. Remembers me of some very old but fast FPS':D

Quote:A brilliant way to quickly get involved in the RP community is to join an official player faction. There are some very active trading and pirate factions which could help you fund your first few characters. But don't forget that you can always just have an independent character and play independent of the official factions. I've had good experiences with official factions and when using independent characters of mine.

I don't know much about the factions and how things are handled here so I think I might fly around a bit and just see what'll happen.

Quote:I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a PM over the forums.

you've been a great help so far and I'll pm ya again. That's 4 sure.:)

btw happy easter and don't forget: he went extinct for your sins xD

hi folks - luxskywalker - 04-24-2011

Happy easter to you !
Oh, and welcome onboard ! =)