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Dear Premier Katz - Printable Version

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Dear Premier Katz - Tomtomrawr - 04-24-2011

EDIT 07/10/20: This thread is now OORP for current character lore. Please disregard.

Dear Premier Alvin Katz,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I have sent a hand-written letter because I felt it would be more personal, and would make it easier to pass through security. I hope this letter does in fact reach you, and that you are the only person to read it. Or the first, anyway. The personal favour a certain Commissar within the Commissariat - who shall remain nameless - promised me one day should have seen this letter arrive on your desk within the Kremlin Dome.

You may be wondering who this is. Before my access to the SCRA Message Dump was revoked, His Watchful Eye declared that I had never been a member of the Coalition. I certainly hope you have not forgotten about me so easily. You dubbed me a Hero of the Revolution, and gave me a codename to follow on the greats such as Ares and El Coyote. That codename was Lex Talionis - an eye for an eye. That medal and a print-out of your message to me still decorate the wall of... where I am.

You may be wondering why I am choosing to contact you now. I am far away from Omega-52 and the turning of events has taken a while to reach my ears. I am certainly glad that you have managed to overthrow the Volkhan, and I hope my contribution - the crippling of the Shanghai - was useful to you. You may be wondering however why I did not remain with the Coalition forces and help you further.

I had a falling out with some of those in command, and it seems their lack of awareness regarding a presence within the Rebellion saw to them losing trust in me. Things happened so fast that there was no time to even inform anybody of them until we were away from Omega-52.

You gave me the position of commanding Sevastopol Depot, and on the day the Volkhan seized power a Dromedary entered Omega-52 broadcasting Coalition transponder codes. Codes for some of the pilots left behind on the Hispania, all those years ago. To keep a long story short, some of the Coalition pilots left behind chose to neither join the Outcasts or Corsairs, but instead take a third option which was to settle on planet Primus in the Omicron Kappa system. The people mutated and now their descendants have the appearance of monkeys. Their minds however are still very much human.

The small group of "Primusians" that came to Sevastopol were devote communists, educated in the teachings of the Sol Coalition and incorporating the Katz Manifesto. They came to Omega-52 to join the revolution.

Which is the main reason I am sending this message. I would ask for you to allow these Primusians to settle on JiangXi. They require a radiation level far higher than is safe for us to survive in the long term. Perform whatever security tests you wish on them, but I believe them to be loyal to you. And despite all that has happened, I hope you still hold trust in my word.

I currently reside on Cambridge, living in one of the villages near my father's business HQ and hidden by the people. Here I hope to teach the people and continue to aid the revolution. If you wish to contact me, simply send a letter to Gerald Croft at Miller Mining and Production on Cambridge, and it will reach me.

I wish you and the Coalition the best of luck in the near future, and hope that one day I am able to return to its ranks.


Robert Miller, Lex Talionis.

Dear Premier Katz - Sirius Coalition - 04-25-2011

[Image: 2jdi8h2.png]

The letter had found its way not to the Premier, but the office of His Watchful Eye. After reading it, he folded it, and placed it back into the envelope.

Cannot have the purity of the Coalition be tarnished by these freaks.

He lit the letter on fire, and threw it into a refuse bin