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Cruising & Re-engaging - RParade - 01-31-2008

Quote:5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The fleeing player must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.

However, the fleeing player can re-engage at will if chased.

It was completely legal. Next time instead of telling everyone you know that I'm a dirty rulesbreaker, how about you come to this forum here and re-read them first?

Cordially Yours,


Cruising & Re-engaging - Skorp - 02-01-2008

First of all, calm down.

Second :

I don't know what you are talking about, as I didn't go around telling it to the people, not here, nor ingame. I just asked the Outcast guy (who finally killed me) in the system via PM if he had witnessed it. For my companion, I don't know if he did anything like that.

Third :

Please correct me if I'm wrong on the last sentence of rule 5.6 , but as far as I can see, if somebody flees from a battle and is chased, he may stop and re-engage at will.

Yes, when he is chased (= at the moment when he is chased) .

If now the followers decide to let you go, and you move about 9~10k away, and your followers change their course away from you, wouldn't this battle be considered as over?

Now if these two followers go away from you and engage another "bad guy" at a different place and you return and open fire again on them, would you still consider yourself being "chased" and therefore allowed to re-engage?

I don't, do you?

I won't discuss this anymore in the forum where it don't belong, there are people here who are specialized on handling such things...

Admins, please close.

Cruising & Re-engaging - RParade - 02-01-2008

' Wrote:Please correct me if I'm wrong on the last sentence of rule 5.6 , but as far as I can see, if somebody flees from a battle and is chased, he may stop and re-engage at will.

Yes, when he is chased (= at the moment when he is chased) .

If now the followers decide to let you go, and you move about 9~10k away, and your followers change their course away from you, wouldn't this battle be considered as over?

Now if these two followers go away from you and engage another "bad guy" at a different place and you return and open fire again on them, would you still consider yourself being "chased" and therefore allowed to re-engage?

I don't, do you?

I won't discuss this anymore in the forum where it don't belong, there are people here who are specialized on handling such things...

Admins, please close.

.. First of all, you guys didn't let me go. You chased me through three systems, disrupted me numerous times, and were it not for the fact that my GOTO mode bugged (cruise dropped on me twice for no reason whatsoever) you guys never would've caught up to me in the beginning. I ran from Leeds to Edinburgh to Dublin, the entire time my full intentions being to rearm at Arranmore (where I was planning to engage you again, with or without help).

As I'm approaching Arranmore, you guys break off (but your Bomber is still tossing CD's at me like crazy, 'cause from where Cruise dropped on me you guys were able to get within 1K of me). When you guys dropped pursuit I continued to Arranmore where I resupplied, later on with Teknikal's help we set up a small ambush of sorts and killed your Destroyer, and then I'm getting an influx of complaints saying I broke rules..? If you fire on an enemy after they've entered cruise, then they're allowed to re-engage you at will. That's what the rules say, anyway. If there's a problem with that, then the rule is in need of modification.

It was cheap to begin with, I mean.. Originally it was just me and another Hacker engaging in an attack of opportunity against a lone BAF Bomber, and then suddenly a Destroyer logs on to help him out?

Cruising & Re-engaging - Unseelie - 02-01-2008

First of all, were my people involved? (SF, QCwhichever, MK?)
Next, although I do feel you were perfectly within your rights to reengage, You may want to keep in mind, that, essentially, each time they fire upon you, they have instigated a new PVP...and each time you continued to run, you had a new status of flight from battle.(a rule I dislike, but there you have it.).

Cruising & Re-engaging - RParade - 02-01-2008

' Wrote:First of all, were my people involved? (SF, QCwhichever, MK?)
Next, although I do feel you were perfectly within your rights to reengage, You may want to keep in mind, that, essentially, each time they fire upon you, they have instigated a new PVP...and each time you continued to run, you had a new status of flight from battle.(a rule I dislike, but there you have it.).

No. These were unmarked BAF agents. They had only the ID.

As for the rule, well, that's abit silly. The only reason I was running from them was because I knew I couldn't beat a Destroyer, I still had a full load of batteries and botts. The only reason I needed resupply was because I was out of countermeasures, something that is a survival necessity in the ship I was flying (Lanehacker Gunship, it's the largest ship I've ever had on Discovery save a Train). It was myself and a LH Bomber against a BAF Bomber, we were doing well until the Destroyer magically appeared out of nowhere. The Destroyer makes short work on the Bomber, and I start running from them as soon as he dies, knowing that I'm very vulnerable without a wingman..

I was chased right up until we reached the Molly's front porch. The only reason these guys stopped chasing me was because they knew I was not going to give them an easy kill, and thought they could steal a quick one by intercepting Teknikal before he got to me. When an ally entered the system to help me (Teknikal was monitoring the entire chase via long range scanners), I capitalized off of the situation by moving towards him and helping him defeat the BAF Destroyer. Thus, complaining..

It wouldn't have been a problem had they not basically cheated in the beginning. That Bomber was getting his arse stomped all over Leeds and then suddenly a Destroyer appears from nowhere to help him? What I did was not cheating, but I would argue that this is...

Cruising & Re-engaging - Fellow Hoodlum - 02-01-2008

Sorry, you admitted you were going to dock, and re-stock, and in your own words, go and re-engage ...
Thats against the rules. You chose to run, so you left the fight. Thats it over. Anything within the four
hours is re-engaging. Pure and simple. Stay away.
The rest here is arguing semantics. If you run, you don't go back ...
Now take this as a warning because everyone has decided to make an issue out of here, nothing else
is going to be done, but next time is strike two ...
