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New player can't install mod properly - Printable Version

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New player can't install mod properly - Petitioner - 04-26-2011

Right, so someone I know from Minecraft wants to get into FL. Only problem is, he's unable to install the mod.

[9:11:17 PM] Botty.: Ohh Okay
[9:11:57 PM] *** Botty. sent IMG_26042011_021207.png *** (basically this pic showed the normal launch screen but it said 1.0 instead of 3.0 for the mod version)
[9:12:15 PM] Botty.: Thats what my screen looks like
[9:12:29 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: It says ver 1.0 at the bottom
[9:12:32 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: And it should be 3.0
[9:13:09 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: 3.0 includes an automatic workaround for the global server so that you can connect, it's the file that tells FL to use the community-run one instead of trying to connect to the now defunct MS one
[9:13:16 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: And a buncha other stuff too
[9:13:32 PM] Botty.: so how do I get to 3.0
[9:13:46 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: it should've asked if you wanted to update
[9:13:52 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: hell, it should've given you mod options
[9:14:11 PM] Botty.: Lol so it just fails
[9:14:47 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: 'parently
[9:15:09 PM] Botty.: -.- xD Two hoours of fail
[9:15:56 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: s_s
[9:24:28 PM] Botty.: I tried it again and it says the same thing
[9:24:49 PM] kaiwяen☆☭: hm... I'm really sorry about all of this, I'll go post on the forums and see if anyone can help us
[9:25:02 PM] Botty.: Okay

He's also getting no mod options when launching the mod in FLMM. It just gives him a checkmark next to it. If anyone would add me on Skype I'll start a chat with him and figure it out, or we can work it on the forums for maximum +1 fun.

New player can't install mod properly - Linkus - 04-26-2011

Clean install.
FLMM 1.3.
Download mod and run/unpack with FLMM.
Activate with FLMM.
Choose mod options.
Play happily.

That ought to be how it's done Kai, the 1.3 version of the FLMM is purely because the newer versions leave old files behind when de-activating mods sometimes.

New player can't install mod properly - Petitioner - 04-26-2011

' Wrote:Clean install.
FLMM 1.3.
Download mod and run/unpack with FLMM.
Activate with FLMM.
Choose mod options.
Play happily.

That ought to be how it's done Kai, the 1.3 version of the FLMM is purely because the newer versions leave old files behind when de-activating mods sometimes.
When activating, it just puts a green check mark next to the mod as if it's activated. No mod options or anything. Doesn't ask him to update when he launches FL, no servers, etc...

New player can't install mod properly - Cannon - 04-26-2011

Follow these instructions:

New player can't install mod properly - Chenzo- - 04-26-2011

seaveral things....

He'lll need to un--install absolutly everything he's done so far.

Then start with a freash install of FL

Check it runs.. he should be able to see the servers but of course won't be able to connect due to not having the Mod.

If he can't, then add the server's IP adress into the target destination box in the game launching shortcut. For example, here is mine:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -dx -logchat -logappend

The highlighted biit is the thing he needs to add. The IP adress or what I have should do the job.

Next, download and instal the Mod manager..

Then download the mod, install and activate with mod manager.

Launch the game, it should update itself..

Job's a good'un.

So, to recap in much simpler terms:

Step 1: Get rid of everything you have done so far
Step 2: Install Freelancer
Step 3: Download and instal the Mod Manager
Step 4: Instal the Mod using the Mod Manager
Step 5: Add into the target ppath for the game launcher
Step 6: Enjoy

New player can't install mod properly - Chenzo- - 04-26-2011

Dayyymmmmnnnn I got heavily ninja'd by cannon Q_Q

New player can't install mod properly - Petitioner - 04-26-2011

' Wrote:Follow these instructions:
Domjan already told me on Skype, but thanks Cannon, told him and he followed some of the steps. It's 3 AM in his timezone so he's gonna finish up tomorrow, but that's the steps he's taking.

Thanks also to Chenzo for the server's IP in case it's needed, I didn't know what it was.

New player can't install mod properly - Cannon - 04-26-2011

Quote:Step 1: Get rid of everything you have done so far
Step 2: Install Freelancer
Step 3: Download and instal the Mod Manager
Step 4: Instal the Mod using the Mod Manager
Step 5: Add into the target ppath for the game launcher
Step 6: Enjoy
This is wrong if you are using vista or windows 7.

Additionally, is not the server's IP. This is occassionally used for events and you shouldn't need it normally.

New player can't install mod properly - Petitioner - 04-26-2011

He uses 7.

New player can't install mod properly - Cannon - 04-26-2011


Quote:Follow these instructions: