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Suggestion - Escape Pods - Printable Version

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Suggestion - Escape Pods - VaeliusNoctu - 04-26-2011


i play this game over one month and i love this mod and the Community.

Discovery is still the Best MOD i know from Freelancer.

I have a little Suggestion:

Sell Escape Pods should generate Reputation.

e.g.: Sales Hessian escape capsules on their enemies should bring reputation. Likewise, the return Hessian escape pods. That would be a new method to get good reputation and is also moderately RP Cool.

Suggestion - Escape Pods - Chrysalis - 04-26-2011

This is a nice idea, but it depends on how hard/easy it is to implement.

Suggestion - Escape Pods - SnakThree - 04-26-2011

Great idea. I support it!

Suggestion - Escape Pods - VaeliusNoctu - 04-26-2011

I'm sorry, I was looking for a suggestions thread, but could find none.
If a moderator move my thread I would be very grateful.
@Mare King+Snake
Thanks, but you're right. I hope they can implement it would be really interesting. It would also further enhance the atmosphere

Suggestion - Escape Pods - michiyl - 04-26-2011

' Wrote:I'm sorry, I was looking for a suggestions thread, but could find none.
If a moderator move my thread I would be very grateful.
@Mare King+Snake
Thanks, but you're right. I hope they can implement it would be really interesting. It would also further enhance the atmosphere
-> Discovery Mod General Discussion <-
Plain and easy;)

Besides that: Yeah, trading should have some reputational effects. But not too many ... otherwise I'd start wondering how the Rheinland Military ALWAYS knows that I'm smuggling stuff to the unlawfuls:D

Err ... not that I would do such terrible things with my trading char:D

Suggestion - Escape Pods - Marburg - 04-26-2011

' Wrote:If a moderator move my thread I would be very grateful.
Yep, no problem. ::Moved::

Suggestion - Escape Pods - Veygaar - 04-26-2011

Gotta love Burg.

Also, great idea

Suggestion - Escape Pods - Charo - 04-26-2011

' Wrote:Besides that: Yeah, trading should have some reputational effects. But not too many ... otherwise I'd start wondering how the Rheinland Military ALWAYS knows that I'm smuggling stuff to the unlawfuls:D

I think he means that (for example) f you trade food rations to Crete, then your Corsair rep goes up, but that being the only rep being adjusted.

This would be a good thing to implement, but highly abusable. Are you a cardi smuggler that just got FR5'd, and you're sitting on Manhattan? Well, just buy a hold full of H-Fuel, resell it, repeat as needed.

If there's away to prevent that abuse, then it'd be a great thing to put in.

Suggestion - Escape Pods - Hielor - 04-26-2011

Trading does currently affect rep in some ways, not really sure exactly how. I noticed this on my first trader character--I got pretty high IC rep without ever doing any bribes or missions, just trade runs involving IC stations.

Suggestion - Escape Pods - michiyl - 04-27-2011

' Wrote:I think he means that (for example) f you trade food rations to Crete, then your Corsair rep goes up, but that being the only rep being adjusted.

This would be a good thing to implement, but highly abusable. Are you a cardi smuggler that just got FR5'd, and you're sitting on Manhattan? Well, just buy a hold full of H-Fuel, resell it, repeat as needed.

If there's away to prevent that abuse, then it'd be a great thing to put in.
That's not abuse, that's reputation grinding:D... well, it might be abuse, yeah, but if the reputation effect is very low ... well ... better get your credits on different routes or talk to the lawfuls;)