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Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - Printable Version

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Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - SevereTrinity - 04-26-2011




Set in top-left quarter of California, the Hell FM is stationed here, trying to replicate with words what the old Legion's regime achieved with force; control of California. A logical target due to it's proximity to Magellan, and from Magellan, Vespucci.

The on-board DJ and his crew are caught by Liberty Navy during a broadcasting session aboard the Hell FM. This is due to the fact the Legion is attempting an experimental technology that is- in essence -a universal takeover of all frequencies, meaning that his broadcast would be heard by anyone who had a radio wave receiver of any kind, on any frequency. Normally the Navy allows the Hell FM's regular broadcasts to go on, due to both that the Hell FM has eluded capture several times, is a pain in the ass to find anyways, and his regular broadcasts have to be tuned into manually, meaning listeners will only listen if they wish to.

However, due to the extremely encompassing nature of such a broadcast, the Liberty Navy will not allow such a broadcast to take place and decide to take measures against it. They triangulate his position, a feat not normally possible due to the vast amount of useless modulated wave several readioactive sources present in the system emit, ejected at certain positions in space by the Hell FM to do exactly that, cover his ass. However, because of the sheer intensity and the broad spectrum of radio waves the Hell FM is emitting in order to cover all frequencies, the Navy are able to to find him.

The Hell FM starts start 50km beyond the Ontario gate. Liberty Navy has finally managed to triangulate the Hell FM's position and send out a squadron from Battleship Yukon. The Navy disable the ship and transport said DJ and his crew onboard a prison liner to take them to the Yukon, because they are worried the actual Hell FM ship may contain a self-destruct mechanism. Taking such a threat to the Yukon is nonsensical as the loss of the Yukon would be a great blow to the Navy. Before the crew was captured was captured they managed to send out an emergency signal that an SAD ship on an operation in California at the time picked up.

This prison liner is a maximum security prison that contains many ex-Legion members. Among these is Ayane Kosuke, a small girl who transferred herself from the Blood Dragons to the Legion several years ago. The possibility of her release offers yet another reason for the SAD to attempt a rescue operation. As well as this, they would not overlook the oppurtunity to convert the aforementioned Prison Liner into a mobile base for them to operate from.

This ship then relayed the signal out to the SAD based on the Cochrane Depot and they then go on to attempt a rescue mission. However, SAD arrives before the transfer is complete and takes out the prison liner's engines, so the liner is forced to be 'tractored' by a Navy ship and dragged along at impulse speed to the Yukon in order to have adequate defence from the pursuing SAD forces. The Legion would not risk extraction under the fire of the Yukon.

The Iblis (stationed a bit further away in Vespucci) is also launched to try to reach the Hell FM. However, due to the immensely slow mobilisation speed of such an asset, it takes a lot longer to reach the battleground than the quick response that SAD offers. However, if the Iblis can reach the Legion, it's checkmate and they take over the Prison Liner and regain the lost crew.



Slots are limited to five a side on a first come first serve basis. Prison liner pilot is yet to be decided but it will most likely be me.

Lawfuls slot number one:
Lawfuls slot number two:
Lawfuls slot number three:
Lawfuls slot number four:
Lawfuls slot number five:
Lawfuls slot number six:
Lawfuls slot number seven:
Lawfuls slot number eight:
Lawfuls slot number nine:
Lawfuls slot number ten:

Lawfuls reserves in this order;

[HF] slot number one:
[HF] slot number two:
[HF] slot number three:
[HF] slot number four:
[HF] slot number five:
[HF] slot number six:
[HF] slot number seven:
[HF] slot number eight:
[HF] slot number nine:
[HF] slot number ten:

[HF] reserves in this order;

Prison liner pilot:

Hell FM pilot (will be around if Tharog can make it, if not we can continue without): Tharog (The Jarl)



Lawfuls can win by;
A) All but one fight whilst the other drags the prison liner away hoping the Hellfire don't notice.
B) Kill all of the SAD present.

Lawfuls have to drag said liner back to the Yukon (this will be done by the liner forming on any Lawfuls ship. They'll need to be in group (and positive or neutral repped to both Liberty Navy and Liberty Navy Guard) and the Lawfuls will need to let the liner know to form on them) They can go on impulse only when in formation.

[HF] can win however if;
A) They destroy all of the Navy.
B) Iblis reaches the Legion.

Since ingame the Iblis is actually quite fast, we won't call it in until about half an hour ~ an hour into the fight. This gives the illusion of it taking a long time to reach us. Note that when the Iblis gets there the Lawfuls will decide to call a retreat under facing superior firepower.

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - Durandal - 04-26-2011

<strike>I'm in. [HF]-Stoneheart or maybe [HF]-Azrael depending on my mood.</strike>

Edit: I'm a moron. I'll SAD-ify Azrael.

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - TheJarl - 04-26-2011

If you need someone to fly Iblis. I am available. Then at least I'd so something in an event that is about my ship:P

edit: oh they want me to sit still and shut up in Hell.FM for at least 1 hour. Great...:P

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - SevereTrinity - 04-26-2011

You'll be onboard the Hell FM for maybe 10 mins max.

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - TheJarl - 04-26-2011

Ah, ok. Justin lied to me:(

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - ChillerMiller - 04-26-2011


I'll be there

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - Pacific - 04-26-2011

[LN]-Angelina.Dimitrova Will be there

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - Korny - 04-26-2011

Gonna' be there on my [LN] I guess.

Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - SevereTrinity - 04-26-2011


Disturbances in the air. //POSTPONED TILL ANOTHER DATE. - Total.Absolution - 04-27-2011

Since LN Already has 3 people there, and 1 reserved slot and one empty, and HF has 3 empty slots, I'll be there on [HF]-S-Sam.Beumont