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ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Dieter Schprokets - 04-27-2011

Alma Cecilia, AKA Mad.Hater has been banned due to a loan scam which preceded the deadline:

Consequences: You will not be able to get onto the server. Forever, methinks.

Admin Link to Report

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Mad.Hater - 04-28-2011


i know that i cant enter fo these server 4ever...
but why my IP addres is Banned.......
my 2 other brothers play FL and now they are pist.....
well if you wana know why i didnt pay the loan ... well these start like these :
My time pass and Charos told me t pay the loan...and he told me that if i send the money to him...he can give the money to the Bank..... i saw him in his GB Cau8 ...
well he told me that he was Charos ( He was in a LNS ) ...then i swap to my other character tha had the money and i send the money to that char...and i Sended 500 mios + 100 mios ( 600 mios exactly )..
well if you believe me ..thanks god..but if you dont...pls dont bann the IP adress because my other 2 brothers play FL.
Pls forgive me for not paying on time..And i dont have no excuse..
(well i dont know if i send the money exactly to charos)...Well i dont know
if i didnot send the money exactly t charos..Give me 1 week and i can pay 650 mios

Pls Unbann me...

My other 2 brothers play FL...
and they have 3 diferents accounts..
if you want just bann my account..
pls Unbann me

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Charos - 04-28-2011

There is no need for banning him, he paid a week or so ago.
.....Yes, he paid a little while after the deadline expired. Can anything be done to unban this fella?

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Cannon - 04-28-2011

Charos, in what way are you involved with this sanction?

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Charos - 04-28-2011

I am in IC| and he send me the money he owed to IC| to give them to the right person as I was online at that moment.
Quote:well he told me that he was Charos ( He was in a LNS ) ...then i swap to my other character tha had the money and i send the money to that char...and i Sended 500 mios + 100 mios ( 600 mios exactly )..
well if you believe me ..
(well i dont know if i send the money exactly to charos)...Well i dont know
He send the amount he had to pay back to IC| (which was 545m) and 55m for the delay

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Mad.Hater - 04-28-2011

Pls can you unbann me? pls ? i wana play:unsure:
Pls let me play...ive explain the issue..and ive paid the loan + 55 mios for not paying on time

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - DarthBindo - 04-28-2011

If this sanction is about an Interspace loan, than i can confirm recipt of the funds owed.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Mad.Hater - 04-28-2011

:( pls unbann me!
i want to play

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Garrett Jax - 04-28-2011

Please do not post anymore in this thread. When an Admin logs on, they will see your request. Bumping it incessantly will only succeed in annoying them. Have you ever seen an annoyed Admin? Believe you me, it's not a pleasant experience.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER BANNED - Cannon - 04-28-2011


Next time update your loan posts to indicate that the money has been repaid so that we do not have to waste time.