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To Sirius Robotics - Printable Version

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To Sirius Robotics - arvg - 04-29-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52

TARGET ID: Sirius Robotics

[Image: Katzcommx.png]


The Coalition has made great strides recently with our AI program, however we lack a Robotics program to back it up. Our needs are simple, we require Android frames, my government is interested in what you have to offer, and are seeking a tender for a defense contract that could be very profitable for you.

So, let us see your next generation prototypes, and we can discuss placing an order.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


To Sirius Robotics - Sirius Robotics - 04-30-2011

Incoming Transmission
[Image: 264px-Sirius_robotics.png]

- Division: Product Sales

Greetings Premier Katz,

It is a pleasure and an honour to hear from an organisation such as yours.
Our researchers speak much of the rumours coming from your system, claiming vast improvements in exotic technology. No doubt there is some truth in these rumours.

Your request has been relayed directly to our Executive, who will decide upon it within the next day.
My apologies for the delay but revealing our prototypes to anyone outside of our organisation is extremely rare.
The obvious risk of corporate espionage is a lesson we have unfortunately had to learn very well.

Our Executive will most likely be questioning why we should trust your organisation with our secrets when we know so very little hard truths about it and have to make do with rumours spun around by old wives.
Any information to remove some of this vagueness and provide some concrete truth about your organisation would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your interest in Sirius Robotics Premier, I hope we have a long future together.

Ulan Kashinawa
- Sales Director

To Sirius Robotics - arvg - 04-30-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52

TARGET ID: Sirius Robotics

[Image: Katzcommx.png]


You misunderstand, firstly we have no robotic manufacturing capability of our own, so replication of any prototype would take years and a significant investment in Volgograd's infrastructure. Not something we have the time for.

No, we are seeking to make purchase, a significant investment, and are looking at how we can proceed.

This would be a national defense contract, and your rights will be preserved in Coalition Court as copyright holders. Contrary to popular opinion, our laws on the matter are quite strict, and in the favour of the inventor... our own Doctor XiaoBei wouldn't have it any other way.

I digress, I would like to meet with your board. Currently Zhukovsky station is leased to the IND, and is quite comfortable as a meeting place high above the ravaged world of JiangXi. I urge your board to come, we shall grant the visas, so that you can see for yourselves why we seek to make purchase.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


To Sirius Robotics - Sirius Robotics - 05-03-2011

Incoming Transmission
[Image: 264px-Sirius_robotics.png]

- Division: Non-designated

Greetings Premier Katz,

My name is Huna, close aide to the Executive.
I have been instructed to take control of communications between our two entities.

We thank you for your offer to visit your home system, an honour that not many can claim.
We will send a delegation, made up of several technicians and some prototype units that your technicians can examine for quality purposes. Alongside these we will also be sending a small shipment of construction machinery to aide in the rebuilding of JiangXi.

I believe it would be best to sort out much of the details over these comms before our delegation arrives however. We have suffered from the lacking abilities of previous employees when it came to such matters and as such, the Executive prefers to keep such important matters close to him.

Before we ask any questions I must say that the Executive is eager to work with the Coalition and that Sirius Robotics will dedicate itself fully to any preparations required.

Moving onto the specifics of your request:
  1. On what scale are you interested in purchasing our robotic units?
  2. Of what classification would these units be? In terms of ranging from general battlefield soldier units to elite bodyguard units to large scale monaliths
  3. Are you interested in purchasing any of our current publicly available units?
  4. Would you be interested in continuing this contract in the longer term?
Question 4 is of importance due to the possibility of constructing robotics manufacturing facilities within Omega-52. Depending on the longevity of our relationship, this facility may be small or it could be grand and large.

Thank you for choosing Sirius Robotics in your request.
Know that we are grateful and honoured by your interest.
