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Nomad Invasion - Skoorb - 02-01-2008

I wanted to make a Nomad Character called NOMAD Invasion and it got me thinking.

Maybe there could be a new commodity with a rule that if you are a nomad or a keeper, you cannot leave nomad space and enter sirius space unless you or a member of your party carried the new commodity called an invasion commander.

This commodity would cost anywhere from 20 to 50 mil from nomad bases, and would sell at manhatten and/or other Sirius bases for the same. Once you or your party lost the commander, through death or whatnot, you and your invading party would have to leave Sirius space and could not reenter Sirius again until purchasing a new Commander.

Members of your party not carrying the commodity but protecting the ship carrying the commodity can only be in same system as the invasion commander, and as stated before would have to leave Sirius and return to nomad space if the commander fell into enemy hands.

I just thought this would help prevent possible terrorist abuse that could happen from free-roaming nomads in Sirius and would give incentive to fight off invading forces (the 20-50 mil reward for turning in an invasion commander).

Nomad Invasion - Jinx - 02-01-2008

i guess something similar can be done without fussing too much about the balance etc. - if nomad samples were sold at Xerna ( nomad homeplanet ) for example - but at a price that matches that of the highest sell locations ( so it cannot be abused to make money for the purchaser ), then a nomad char could buy the appropriate nomad ( nomad, minor nomad brain, superior nomad brain ) and fill up their hold with it.

now from what i understand - the nomads operate with a dynamic orderchain. so - if there is a battleship, 4 gunboats and 12 fighters - all the orders are coming from the battleship but are connected like a hive consciousness. if the battleship is destroyed, the command goes to the next strongest ship - in that case, one of the gunboats - etc.

so - if there was something like a nomad invasion commander - it would act against the idea of a dynamic hive. it would mean that they do not have one single consciousness, but are individual minds.

from a roleplayview - i wouldn t really support that. - from a gamebalance point of view - it is interesting to some extend. ( but not convincing ). nomads need a good reason to leave their ZoI - if they do, they should not be limited by something like a special commodity. - it "feels" a bit unnatural. - besides, i see no reason to give nomads such an item that would legitimate them to invade - while other facitons can do it without such an item. if nomads leave their space, they should be determined to achieve their goal.
personally ( really only my pov ) i would rather see nomads NEVER retreat, cause they are not focussed on the individual mind, but on the whole. so a single ship, no matter how damaged would not retreat - but rather be destroyed and replaced if needed. with that in mind - a nomad force that retreats, because they lost their "commander" is an unlikely thought - for me.

as a matter of fact, NPCs show us, that nomads do have an individual mind - but thats cause their AI is the same like any other NPCs AI.... . all the rest is roleplay by players.

Nomad Invasion - Skoorb - 02-02-2008

Yeah I see what you are saying. You make some good points.

I was thinking RP wise, the invasion commander would be the one coordinating the invasion, in a hive like manner as you say. Once they lose the commander, they no longer have the ability to coordinate the invasion and it falls apart. The nomad then return ot their collective. Of course if the leader is destroyed and a Nomad tractors the Commander, the invasion would continue. This logic follows that they can only communicate collectively while in nomad space unless they have the commodity.

Non-RP wise, I think there should be more risk-reward to the pvp system. Making people carry a copilot or another moderately expensive commodity, that they risk losing if they die, in order to initiate pvp makes sense to me.