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Textures? - 13CentKiller - 02-01-2008

Ok, excuse me if there has been a post like this before, but the rookie modeler needs some attention....

Where do I get textures from? Do I have to download them? Is there a package with FL textures in it somewhere?

I tried making one on my own. it made the ship look like a camo WWII fighter.:lol:

Can anyone help?

Textures? - Treewyrm - 02-01-2008

Use existing textures rather than your own. It helps to keep your ships within FL style and does less impact on performance due to re-use of existing textures rather than loading new ones per each ship model. Freelancer textures are small and will require effort with UV mapping to make ships look nice. There is a collection of vanilla ships in milkshape format with textures around, very useful to use as a reference.

Freelancer UTF editor can export data from material libraries and ship files.

Textures? - 13CentKiller - 02-02-2008

Thanks alot,

Really helps!

Cheers :cool:

Textures? - Xing - 02-02-2008

otherwise, you can find a lot of texture on google by using the right keywords. For exemple, try "ship hull texture", or "engine texture", etc.

Textures? - Turkish - 02-02-2008

The vanilla ship pack as mentioned has both the textures and corresponding ships from FL. And I just so happen to have it hosted.

Vanilla Ship Pack.

Textures? - I_m_rdy - 02-02-2008

Hey, that ship pack might come in handy! Thanks a lot Turkish!:)

Textures? - Etaphreven - 02-02-2008

' Wrote:Hey, that ship pack might come in handy! Thanks a lot Turkish!:)

That thing was in the Dev section for quite some time now:P
I'm surprised you didn't know ^^

Textures? - I_m_rdy - 02-02-2008

' Wrote:That thing was in the Dev section for quite some time now:P
I'm surprised you didn't know ^^
Heh, I has a slow mind. It still comes in handy:P

Textures? - Etaphreven - 02-02-2008

' Wrote:Heh, I has a slow mind. It still comes in handy:P

Mmmkaaay. Not exactly sure what to say about the second part:P