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Search for a Gunboat - Printable Version

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Search for a Gunboat - lionheart - 02-01-2008

Hi I wonder if any body could help, I have heard of a Gunboat called Scorpian, but it exists with THE WILD, does anyone have a suggestion on how to get one, do I have to be friendly with the wild and who do I have to kill to do that!
Also I would like anyones opinion on which is the best gunboat to buy, with some good Manoeuvrability, I found the Bretonian Gunboat very sluggish. So any insights would be more than helpful, thanks.

Search for a Gunboat - Eppy - 02-01-2008

You can't, mate, not without joining the Keepers. Sorry, but it won't happen.

Search for a Gunboat - Exile - 02-01-2008

As Eps here said, you aint getting it unless your a Keeper.
Why? Because Keepers are admin approved nomads. Thats why.

P.S : Try the Kusari one, thats agile.

Search for a Gunboat - pchwang - 02-01-2008

The Liberty GB has the best firing arc though. That's why I would go with that one.

But if you want some unlawful ships, the Liberty Rogue GB is great too.

Search for a Gunboat - lionheart - 02-01-2008

Thanks for the info, I was just curious as nobody seems to no anything specific about it, but thanks anyway.

Search for a Gunboat - Fellow Hoodlum - 02-01-2008

How about picking a ship that goes with your roleplay, and not just the one perceived to be the best in
it's particular class. Thats what its about here funnily enough ...


Search for a Gunboat - Commodore - 02-02-2008

I think hes probably still making his character.

Search for a Gunboat - mjolnir - 02-02-2008

don't want to sound bad... but he is (or was until now) roleplaying a generic millitary of all sirius....hmmm

Search for a Gunboat - Horon - 02-02-2008

I honestly do not see why anyone would want to WILLINGLY fly the Scorpion. Creepy as hell..

Search for a Gunboat - RickJames - 02-02-2008

' Wrote:I honestly do not see why anyone would want to WILLINGLY fly the Scorpion. Creepy as hell..

I'd love to. Simply because they look unique as hell. least for the roughly 5 seconds I was able to see one before being blown out of space.:)