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Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Printable Version

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Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Reise - 02-02-2008

Since I just got my Viper 2 and I've been looking for weapons, I've noticed Texas offers Liberty Gunboat Forward Guns that are mountable on it. I know this can't be right, and if it is, why? I bought a pair to see if they would mount, and they did, but I dared not to show myself putting around with two oversized turrets hanging off my wings. Just figured I'd say something about it, since it seems very wrong to me that you could mount gunboat weapons on a VHF like that. If it's intended however, I can't imagine any ship being able to support them because of the insane power that's required.

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Horon - 02-02-2008

They are there for Gunboats. Gunboats use a Gun mount for a forward gun. You can mount it on a fighter, but you sure as hell cant fire it...

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Etaphreven - 02-02-2008

Duh. Energy drain?:P
Yeah, that kinda gets in your way... mount it if you wish. But it'll only look like a big hammer on yer cockpit. A big ass useless hammer.

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Reise - 02-02-2008

Hehe yeah, I've never bothered flying anything as large as a gunboat so I know next to nothing about their loadouts, so it seemed rather odd to me lol.

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - bluntpencil2001 - 02-03-2008

Oh... I've an evil idea...

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - McNeo - 02-03-2008

We all do, put one on a bomber hardpoint and find out what happens!

Much worse efficiency than a supernova, even if it did fire, it wouldn't be worth the energy...

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Eppy - 02-03-2008

Mmm...Connor's lying, eveybody, just so you know. My Falcatta does EXCELLENT with that loadout.

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Turkish - 02-03-2008

You are so lying...

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Eppy - 02-03-2008

No! I swear! It's true! You've seen it, Turk, you should know!

Gunboat Turrets on a VHF? - Turkish - 02-03-2008

Maybe we need to investigate this for some proof!