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"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Printable Version

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"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Anonymous User - 05-09-2011

Since the last tech chart change/update was not unauthorized - cannon said - I wanted to ask if any admin already said anything 'bout it. did i miss a thread about this? cause when i used search i did not find one regarding a update on 2th may....

halp pl0x?

/edit: I'm not sure if anything changed except that the barge is in it now since I dun rlly play anything else then order.
just want to be sure that none of my few non order chars possible get in trouble now:D

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Snoozzzer - 05-09-2011

[font=Comic Sans Ms]Independents got shafted. So, nothing you need concern yourself with

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Daedric - 05-09-2011

' Wrote:just want to be sure that none of my few non order chars possible get in trouble now:D

So what is the point of this thread? You want the admins to hold your hand while you check the chart or something?

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Anonymous User - 05-09-2011

' Wrote:So what is the point of this thread? You want the admins to hold your hand while you check the chart or something?

read first post and you will know.

we had a TECHCHARTCHANGE before that as well.

but it was UNAUTORIZED!

so i wanna know if its official this time and the techchart is reflecting the rules. not like last time where the changes made it a bit useless to know what you can mount and what not.

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Daedric - 05-09-2011

Jesus. I typed the following words into the search feature.

Tech Chart Update

Guess what I got?

Canon announcing that the tech chart had been officially updated. Imagine that. Sorry to sound like an ass but it took me all of 10 seconds to find that thread.

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - TheJarl - 05-09-2011

' Wrote:Jesus. I typed the following words into the search feature.

Tech Chart Update

Guess what I got?

Canon announcing that the tech chart had been officially updated. Imagine that.

yes and this thread is about update from 2 May not what you linked to. That said I know what is updated, Hellfire Legion ID got white cell with Liberty Navy.

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Daedric - 05-09-2011

I am indeed an ass. I shot Canon a PM with a link to this thread. Sorry Anon!

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Anonymous User - 05-09-2011


"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Cannon - 05-09-2011

' Wrote:Since the last tech chart change/update was not unauthorized - cannon said - I wanted to ask if any admin already said anything 'bout it. did i miss a thread about this? cause when i used search i did not find one regarding a update on 2th may....

halp pl0x?

/edit: I'm not sure if anything changed except that the barge is in it now since I dun rlly play anything else then order.
just want to be sure that none of my few non order chars possible get in trouble now:D

Only the barge change - which was announced in the barge thread.

"Technology Use in Sirius : Tech Chart 2 May 2011" - Anonymous User - 05-09-2011

' Wrote:Only the barge change - which was announced in the barge thread.
k thx.

so info could be found on a place i would never ever even think about to search for it:D