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Declaring Combat - pchwang - 02-04-2008

Quote:Um... I never declare combat when engaging an Outcast as a Corsair. I don't see the need. This is less clear cut, however. It's a gray area.

I read a recent player sanction by Kane, and suddenly thought of something. This is something that typically does not happen.

As Asymptotic put it, it is one of the grayer areas of disco rules.

Frankly, if a pirate char jumps out and fires a disruptor at trader and begins to bring the transport's shields down to null, a police char isn't going to take the time to shout, "Hey! Stop it!" They will most likely engage the trader.

But this is a problem, and it is a problem that has been solved by one of disco's foremost rules, announcing combat.

This rule is really something that sets Disco apart from other servers, and defines it as a RP server, not a PvP server.

How should this rule be followed?

For pirates, it's simple, demand credits.
For lawfuls, simply say: Stop doing that, it's illegal! or something along those lines.

For enemy factions however, the line gets thinner and easier to cross.

As Asymptotic said(not trying to put you on the spot, everyone does it), warring factions don't often announce combat.

Just the other day, OsoRojo and I(in our RoS and RHA chars, respectively) jumped into New Berlin, since we faced overwhelming odds in Dresden from an attacking Corsair fleet. While I was plotting coordinates, the Corsair fleet jumps through the hole and starts firing on us.

No announcements at all.

Did I mind? Not really, they are our enemies.

But since Disco is a RP server, announce combat.

No, it should not be like: "Ok, RHA, ROS, we are going to attack you now!"

It should be like: "Hessian scum and your drug addicted allies! Taste me blasters!"

or something along those lines.

But guys, please follow this simple rule that often is not enforced. I know it takes getting into a habit of doing so, but if I can do it, you can too.

Declaring combat makes Discovery PvP RP. It's essential, but we do not do it enough.

Declaring Combat - Xing - 02-04-2008

I'd personally think it should apply to more confusing situations, like a KoS situations as Kane has sanctionned. I mean if you are facing an enemy right in front of you, and both of you know you are enemies obviously, do you really have that much time to think about an original insulting message, write it down and thus being unable to use a bunch of your controls since you are writing? Writing isn't unforunately as fast and easy as a microphone.

Declaring Combat - kingvaillant - 02-04-2008

You have my support,

To all LSF members please take time to make an announcement before beginning a pvp fight, if you are not already doing it. Even myself I must make some improvements.

Encourage RP-PVP, I'm sure everyone can.

EDIT: @ xing, You have a point, typing take time and during that time you can get blown of, sadly FL isn't working with a microphone ( personally I will find it weird to see an RPG game with microphone option (RP will be even harder to enforce,,,))

Declaring Combat - Jwnantze - 02-04-2008

I do not think this is nessacery in all cases, because whenever I try to type out RP The opposition arrives and starts shooting when Im typing!!
This is really anoying and it puts a damper on those of us that are attempting it. So, I say, if he is in scanner range, forget it, I cant type that fast before he is on top of me, but If I notice him in system on the long range scanner, I will try to do some insults and such before I attack.

Declaring Combat - Praetyre - 02-04-2008

Why would a combatant announce his presence and allow his enemy to register him, possibly track his comm signal and have several seconds to start preparing his defences? I can understand this between certain groups, like warning smugglers from Police factions, but not from Outcasts to Corsairs or Nomads to Order.

If it means something akin to a battle cry, then I can agree to that. If it's "All ships, open fire upon the RNC Donau", it gets a little more hazy.

Declaring Combat - Xing - 02-04-2008

these kinds of thing are useful when you are 1 second from engaging your enemy. That one sencond, you need to use it to aim.
Not to think about ~hm, what will I say to RM today for a fight?~

Declaring Combat - pchwang - 02-04-2008

True, but this is not a PvP server. This is an RP server.

Declaring Combat - Unseelie - 02-04-2008

As I recall, hoodlum once said something akin to:
'Hola, como estuve senor, you seem to be an Outcast...well, you see, I just so happen to be a corsair, and, our people, you understand, happen to be blood enemies, no? Well, sir, would you mind, horribly, if i were to try and kill you?'

Rather sums up my point of view.
While it is nice, and good rp, at times, at others, it is not.
Ever heard of radio silence...people have to attack without declaring, sometimes.

Declaring Combat - Praetyre - 02-04-2008

In roleplay, most individuals wouldn't want to broadcast their signals to the enemy.

EDIT: Unselie hit the nail on the head.

Declaring Combat - Horon - 02-04-2008

I cant tell you how many times I have been blown up while I was typing. Someone comes near me, I start typing that I am going to attack, and before I have time to respond hit the ESC key and defend myself, BOOM!
EDIT: You could always type something short and in local chat, so not everyone around you hears it...