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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - Jihadjoe - 05-13-2011

A lot of you use the term 'pvpwhore' as a method of describing undesirables who play the game in a manner you dislike. For example:

Quote:On another note.......The order needs a leader that can rein in the pvp-whore independents.
This quote was used in conjunction with a thread about a gank.

Now personally, I think the term pvpwhore needn't be applied in a negative manner.

My definition of a pvpwhore would be as follows
  • A player who'd main focus in the game is combat.
  • Someone who appreciates a good fight, in which the sides are evenly balanced. A true pvpwhore would endeavor not to gank, as that is not an adaquate test of his or her skills.
  • One who's roleplay characters are largely geared towards combative roles.
I'd describe myself as a pvpwhore to a certain extent. I love fighting. It's fun, and is the activity towards which the game we play is geared.

I'd rather not get lumped with the people described in the quote above. A pvpwhore will want their combat in some roleplay context, but will regard the combat as the main attraction. The people described in that post I quoted, are just inconsiderate morons. Not a pvpwhore, by my definition.

What is a pvpwhore? - Lobster - 05-13-2011

A PvPwhore, to me, is basically what was described above. Someone who fights a lot, and enjoys it.

Nothing wrong with being a PvPwhore. I think the poor reputation and derogatory use of the term stems from two things.

A) A few less then caring people who can PvP reflecting poorly on the rest of the people who can as well.

B) Bering beat in combat by someone better then you and needing an 'out' or excuse. IE: It wasn't my fault! it was the lag! ye, lag! Or: Its not my fault they are no-life PvPwhores!

What is a pvpwhore? - Crackpunch - 05-13-2011

Someone who finds RP as somewhat of an obstacle to their pvp fix. Surprise, surprise, most of a pvpwhore's characters have an incredibly trigger happy attitude.

Edit: Ninja'd for the first time :O

What is a pvpwhore? - Govedo13 - 05-13-2011

I would agree with JihadJoe here.
On the other hand it gets nasty when several good pilots fight against you even in equal numbers, with your team beeing average or weak pilots, but it is fun and you can also learn some tricks- especially how to dodge running.
According to the Lobsters and Crackpunch description I am PvP whore also, as it seems but I dont have such good PvP skills.

What is a pvpwhore? - Jihadjoe - 05-13-2011

Crackpunch, did you gather the title of the thread was a rhetorical question? xD

Aside from that, I disagree. I would suggest that a pvpwhore is merely someone who enjoys and seeks combat. Their characters can be extremely varied in manner...

A pvpwhore (by my definition) doesn't regard roleplay as an obstacle, but as context.

' Wrote:good PvP skills.

I'm no longer as good a pilot as I used to be, but I still enjoy combat. Thus making me a pvpwhore. The term has little to do with skill.

What is a pvpwhore? - aerelm - 05-13-2011

One who plays the game right.

What is a pvpwhore? - sadtranslation - 05-13-2011

The term "pvpwhore" is an outrage based on the misconception of pvp as a part of gameplay that exists separately from roleplay and meant to be used by the side that lost the fight to accuse the oppositing side in ignoring their keyboard warfare.

Aside from that, the term is eventually used to describe players that stick to minimal roleplay justifiation for a fight. I don't think that we should look for a way to use it in positive manner, since all the cases Joe described in the first post are examples of completely normal roleplay which is not discreditable in any possible way.

What is a pvpwhore? - Korny - 05-13-2011

Bad Joe. *pimpslaps*

What is a pvpwhore? - Mao - 05-13-2011

What is a PvPwhore? *looks at the OP* Oh well... *leaves*

What is a pvpwhore? - Marley - 05-13-2011

Less Q_Q moar RP Whores:D