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My GPU has been Fried - Printable Version

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My GPU has been Fried - Hidamari - 05-13-2011

wow... what a coincidence..:shok:

mine also died.. but more like fried... :nono:

I had a nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX.. its about maybe 4 years old now and its finally kicked the bucket

pc started bluescreening for no reason at random times after the screens went a funny colour and had this messed up patern all over them.

I took my GPU out, and it was so hot I couldnt even touch it at first.

I blew into the vent on the side and the most dust you have ever seen came billowing out of every crease.

and even after I exumed the dust like 10 times already, there was always more

then I put it in the fridge to cool down, took it out- put it in my pc and presto it worked again, for about 4 hours, and then the same thing happened, my games crashed 1 time, so i was like "wtf" *starts a different game* then that game crashed after maybe 2 minutes (resulting in an F1 outside manhatten >.>) then screens both went a funny colour turned off, then back on again with a super messed up glitch look on them both, then off again, then bluescreened.

and I can now not even reach the desktop without it bluescreening.

It shows the boot up screens and bios just fine and with no issues, as soon as it finishes booting the operating system and you hear that windows vista chime, it shows the cursor and egg timer and a really messed up spotted effect with just a black flickering screen. then bluescreens again.

so now, I need a new one.

I have about £90 to spend.

so im gonna go get this shiny new one.

My GPU has been Fried - r3vange - 05-13-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]What's up with blowing GPUs that's two in two days...

My GPU has been Fried - Korny - 05-13-2011

My second system runs a 8800GTX ... for the fact that it's like 6 years old, it still rocks pretty hard.

Anyway, watch out with Gainward ... I heard about many strange things about their cards, cooling and noise problems mostly.

My GPU has been Fried - Mickk - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]What's up with blowing GPUs that's two in two days...

GPU's tend to melt down if they get too hot, just like CPU's do.

That reminds me that I need to go get me some canned air so I can clean the fans on my Graphics Card and Heatsink.

It's a good job we are moving into the cooler part of the year now.

My GPU has been Fried - teschy - 05-13-2011

Maybe shoving it in the hot oven would've worked out better for you.

My GPU has been Fried - Mickk - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:Maybe shoving it in the hot oven would've worked out better for you.

I think it's a little late for that trick Teschy.

The other thing is..... even though I know what you are talking about, I'm pretty sure the OP doesn't.

Minimal information is minimal.

My GPU has been Fried - Boss - 05-13-2011

Besides the fact that you get an oven coated in lead oxide.

My GPU has been Fried - Hidamari - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:Maybe shoving it in the hot oven would've worked out better for you.

maybe trolling in the sanction threads would work better for you.

My GPU has been Fried - r3vange - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:maybe trolling in the sanction threads would work better for you.

[color=#FFFFFF]teschy got told!

My GPU has been Fried - teschy - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:maybe trolling in the sanction threads would work better for you.

Well it's as equally smart as putting it in the refrigerator. I'm surprised it even worked afterwards, albeit not for long. Maybe you should've seeked proper technical support before squeezing its last breath.