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Trade with Britonia - Printable Version

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Trade with Britonia - Skoorb - 02-04-2008

Britonia appears now to be pretty barren compared to the other areas in Sirius. Where there is good trade, players follow (traders, pirates, and antipirates). Liberty is, well liberty, and there is good trade between Rheinland and Kusari.

The introduction of outlawed software opened up some decent smuggling aspects with the Molly's in Dublin, but there is no commodity realy worth taking back to NY. It takes a very long time to pick up Deuterium in O-49.

I would ask 2 things to make trade in Britonia more appealing.

1. The jumpgate between NY and Magellan gets fixed. Maybe Britonia fixes it to help the war effort with Kusari, to get supplies faster from Liberty when needed.

2. A return trip commodity would be great. One from Brit space to Liberty. The price of gold could go up in Manhatten to reflect the the lower supply due to Brits focus on the war. Maybe Deuterium could be sold in Dublin somewhere. It could be attained from neighbering O-49 and sold for slightly more.
For smuggling, possibly a cheap place for marijuana from the mollies would be interesting. Perhaps the rogues could help with the smuggling effort by buying the newly harvested marijuana at Buffalo and also selling outlawed software.

Wishful thinking from a trader and smuggler. The cat and mouse games with the liberty police forces over smuggled goods can be fun.

Great mod, it is a lot of fun.

Trade with Britonia - Etaphreven - 02-04-2008

Valid points taken there, mate. This has been discussed many times:)
We all want this as much as you do ^^

Trade with Britonia - Skorp - 02-05-2008

You won't believe it, but *cough* there is a *cough* return trip commodity *cough* in Bretonia, it starts with a *cough* B, then inside it has a *cough* Y and ends with an M *cough*

*cough* guess I should repair that air conditioning:D

Trade with Britonia - Baltar - 02-06-2008

As of right now ... Bretonia is a peaceful house. No one is really shooting at each other. Makes nice for looking at the stars. No economy though. Ah ... so tranquil.