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To the Rheinland Navy high command - Printable Version

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To the Rheinland Navy high command - Hawk - 05-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

We have tried very hard to comply with all the regulations you have placed on us. We have been working very hard at Kreuzberg Depot making a considerable contribution to the Rheinland economy. We try very hard to keep the peace and not get involved in other people'€™s wars. Can you please tell me what it was deemed necessary to make one of our bases a battlefield in your war with Liberty? One of your captains made the decision to lead a Liberty Navy battle fleet to one of our bases. This placed countless civilian in danger, many of them being Rheinland citizens. What is the reason for this?

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To the Rheinland Navy high command - Lobster - 05-15-2011

::::Ankommende Ubertragung::::
::::Ubertragung von: Oberkommando der Militär::::
::::Ubermittlung an: Junkers Congress
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: Medium::::

FROM: Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer
TO: Arbiter Jack Crow

[Image: generalfeldmarschallwil.jpg]

Guten abend meine freunde,

It has been a while sense I have heard from you Crow; How are you doing? Last I remember of you was talking to you about a smuggler landing on Kreuzberg chased by Rheinland forces.

I must say though, this transmission comes as a bit of a puzzle to the High Command. I regret to inform you we haven't the slightest of what incident you are talking about. If you could froward any evidence from your side, it would be most welcome. Could you inform us as to what exactly happened?

Rheinland Military High Command Officer,

Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer

::::Ubertragung endet::::

To the Rheinland Navy high command - Hawk - 05-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

You know, has much as you folks hate it when people act coy with you, you really know how to dish it out. I won'€™t waste your time so please don'€™t waste mine. I believe this is the incident about which I was speaking. Unless you are going to tell me you are the type of admiral who has no idea where his ships are we can cease the debate about this.

Now, you had a problem with the people who were coming to Kreuzberg and I took care of it. How would you feel if the Liberty Navy started docking there? I know you wouldn'€™t like it and I won'€™t allow it. Please do me the courtesy of leaving us out of this little war that has nothing to do with us. We only want to be left in peace.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To the Rheinland Navy high command - Lobster - 05-15-2011

::::Ankommende Ubertragung::::
::::Ubertragung von: Oberkommando der Militär::::
::::Ubermittlung an: Junkers Congress
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: Medium::::

FROM: Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer
TO: Arbiter Jack Crow

[Image: generalfeldmarschallwil.jpg]

Guten abend mein herr,

I would first off that operation procedures for Rheinland Military forces inside hostile territory strictly forbids approaching Junker bases if one is suspected of being watched. Secondly, Rheinland Military forces are under orders not to dock/moor with any Junker installation inside Liberty. EVER.

Perhaps this kaptain, fearing for his life, decided to take the rash action of disobeying direct orders from OKM. I can make him regret that. I would enjoy a slightly more cheerful tone from you though Crow, niceties must be maintained. I could bring up the fact that your men allowed him to dock there in the first place; Why didn't you just shut the docking bays? However, I wont stoop that low. I also wont mention that we just blew up a junker in Omega 7 for pirating a civilian convoy for the 3th time this week. Why arnt you aware of everything your men are doing (or are you)? Don't worry, I dont expect an answer to that.

I will deal with this captain who has put your men in harm's way. I would also like to thank you for bringing this unacceptable situation to me so that we may avoid further incidents form this kaptain in the future.

Hoping you are in good health,

Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer

::::Ubertragung endet::::

To the Rheinland Navy high command - Hawk - 05-15-2011

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Thank you for that Admiral.

We are not a military operation and I have neither the time nor the desire to keep tabs on every Junker vessel. I am interested in Omega 7 however. If you have any details about Junkers causing problems there I'€™ll send someone to look into it.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To the Rheinland Navy high command - Lobster - 05-22-2011

::::Ankommende Ubertragung::::
::::Ubertragung von: Oberkommando der Militär::::
::::Ubermittlung an: Junkers Congress
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: Medium::::

FROM: Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer
TO: Arbiter Jack Crow

[Image: generalfeldmarschallwil.jpg]

Guten abend herr Crow,

Anomalous.Activity would be the name of the Junker in question for the congress's information. We in thee Rheinwehr realize he is merely a pirate flying under the junker flag, so dont loose any sleep about it.

I have seen to it the Kaptain in question has been reminded of his duties and hopefully it will be a long time before something like this happens again.

Always fun talking to you Crow.

Untill we meet again,

Vizeadmiral Hans Putzkammer

::::Ubertragung endet::::