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Two ladies who once were friends... - Printable Version

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Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-15-2011

[Image: connie_witch.png]
She was lying flat on her belly, wearing a weird long evening dress.
Dangling her legs in the air, she was playing "weiqi" with a little monkey.

That wasn't the first time they played and every game ended up with a draw.
She looked at her hands as she was placing a white stone for her next move. They were so wrinkled.

The tiny monkey puffed on his pipe.
"Ma'am, did you hear the citizens commitee for concerned citizens will meet tomorrow?"
She remained unmoved
"Don't know, don't care"
He took another puff and put a new black stone on the goban
"Why do you look so gloomy tonight, miss whoever-i-am-you-name-it?"
She made some prisoners with her next move and gave a side look at the monkey
"Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder"
The monkey played again and gave her a bored look
- "If you think those mindtricks work with me..."
- "I know a lot of things working with you"
- "Another way to say you know nothing, don't you think?"
- "What you imagine is what you get"
The monkey closed his eyes and said with an onimous voice
"I imagine you lost in the ruledom of thud. Maybe you followed the path of your mother.. Maybe you are now what you were afraid to become."
He then opened his eyes back, looking at her, and said
"All Chaos was once yer kingdom; verily, held ye dominion over the entire Pentaverse, but today ye was sore afraid in dark corners, nooks, an' sink holes."

He was using semantical gymnatics. Another way to divert her from the game, she thought.
She remained silent and placed another stone on the goban.

The monkey was studying her, puffing on his pipe.
"Interesting. You, my dear lady, who claim to be able to read in one's heart, with reason, can't read in your own" He took another puff "Is it what some called... hmm... hubris?"

He suddenly grabbed his beaver hat, dropped his cigar on it and put the hat on his head. He got on his feet in a blink and bowed insolently. "Miss"
He then ran out of the room.

She was vaguely aware she needed to catch him and ask him something precise.
Standing up, she started to run after the monkey.
On the way, she was meeting a lot of people, and she had to force her way through them. Everytime she was touching someone, she was understanding him or her, as if she shared his mind. It was strange but she wasn't surprised about it.
What was surprising however is she soon noticed she was getting younger each time she touched someone.

Ignoring that impossible fact, she kept running after the little monkey. She could see at times his tail waving at her as if he was taunting her.
Soon she turned back into a young woman, and into a child. Using her little legs, she was scampering along. It was so hard to force her way through all those tall people!

Looking around, she was searching a known face in all those known hearts. But she couldn't find any.
Suddenly something furry tickled her cheek...

"Uhhhh.... Monkey..."
Concordia opened her eyes, disorientated.
She was spooning Cornelia, holding her tight, and the young girl hairs were tickling her face. She coughed.

Cornelia moaned in her sleep and huddled up to Rachel.
Concordia shook her head and looked around "Uhoh... Where am i..."

She got up and searched her old zoner fly suit to check her datapad. "Hmm hmm? Inverness? Ohhhh!" She grinned and gave a look at the two girls in the bed. She then shrugged and left the quarters.

She looked at each side of the corridor. "Uh...Oh... Where to go?!"
Choosing a random side, she started to walk, appearing to be not aware at all of the awkwardness of wandering in a ship during the programmed night, wearing only underwears.

She entered in a room where a lady and a man were talking while watching their console...

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-16-2011

When Concordia entered the room,she finds herself on the Bridge of the giant Liner,where a kind of activity was on the consoles and terminals, even when it was "night" on board of the ship.Right in front of her,two persons of Rachel's Crew were sitting on two consoles and looking on it.When Concordia made a few steps closer,one of them raised the head and looked to Concordia. "What are you doing here?" was the first question Concordia was asked by the woman who had turned around to her.After Concordia explained her the woman took a last look on the body of Concordia and pointed to the man on the other console."He can help you more I think." she said and turned to him."There is a Lady who needs your attention" the woman said giggling and sat back to her place,studiing the console display once more.Now the man turned to Concordia and smiled a bit,as he realised she was only wearing underwear."So you must be the guest our Captain told us.So what's your reason why you showed up here.Normally noone is allowed to show up here." the man asked Concordia

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-16-2011

She looked at the lady and smiled. "Well... I was looking for... Hmm... The unicorn?" She then looked at the man "Where is she?"

Before they could even think of an answer she moved behind the girl and started to massage her shoulders, smiling "Uhoh... You're so tense honey!" She laughed and gave a side look to the boy "Is that because of that male here? You two never slept together, right?"

She chuckled and leant forward, placing her head on the girl's shoulder. "Uhoh... What are you monitoring there..."
Sighing, she leant back in a blink and looked around "Looks boring to be here... Anyway... Where is the unicorn, sweethearts?"

She stared at the boy, who was looking confused and she rolled her eyes "The unicorn! You know... My ship... It should be moored to an airlock... somewhere" She looked around once again.

"Hmmm... I hope no one entered in it..." She made a somewhat shy face "It's quite a mess in it... Kinda..."

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-20-2011

'€žAh that Sabre you mean. Well it is down in the Cargo hold 6 as far as I know.'€ The Crewmember answered and smiled to Conny. '€œI doubt that someone entered it. As our Captain said that no one is allowed to do it. And when the Captain says something it is the same as if it would be written in stone and no one is stupid enough to do it then.'€ Said the Crewmember and shrugged. '€œYou know the way or do you need a help to find it?'€ he asked politely and as Conny nodded on the second part of the sentence. '€œAlright then follow me, little girl'€ he said with a smile and moved from the bridge to the corridor behind. '€œYou find her attractive?'€ he said with a smile and took a look himself on Conny, standing next to him in Bra and Panty. When Conny saw it and put on her shy face he laughed excusing and moved down with her to the Cargo holds.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-20-2011

She laughed "Yay... She's nice."
The girl then gave him a sidelook and smiled "You like her, eh? Come on! You know you can tell me!"

They then arrived in the hangar bay and Concordia entered in the unicorn hold. She waved at the man "Thank you love!"

Jumping on her tiny bed and grabbing her comm unit, she tried to reach Jeanne...

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-22-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : Popess Concordia ++
++ Destination : Jeanne honey ++
++ Derivation : Goddess Discordia ++
++ Encryption level : alpha ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: Popess_Concordia.png]
Hey there love...
Remember when we talked about you needing to have more friends around you?

We talked about your old friend Rachel and i said i would talk to her... To arrange a meeting between you two?
Well i'm with her right now... And we are near that Junker base in Inverness...

Are you coming?
Oh and don't be afraid okay? I'm sure it will be fine.

See you, honey!
++ A man's a man all his life; a woman's sexy until she's your wife! ++
++ End of transmission ++

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-27-2011

Jeanne was sleeping in her quartter as she heard the melody of an incoming Message.Still tired she left the bed, grabbed her bathrobe and slowly moved to the bridge.Yawning the sat down on the command chair and typed in a short code,which gave her permission to her personal message storage.Right there,on the top there was the message and Jeanne couldn't stop the smile,which came on her face when she saw Concordia's Comcode,and opend the message.First she just overflew it shortly but right when she wanted to close the terminal again,she stopped and read it again."You must be kidding me,Conny..." she said to herself.Why in the world should she move to Inverness and meet Rachel there.Every other person in the whole sector she would accept to see but not Rachel.Rachel was not her friend anymore and she would hardly become one again.

So Jeanne wrote her answer:

"Sorry Conny...but I don't feel like I want to meet her...I have something else to do.And to be honest with you,I can't believe you,that she accepted a meeting...that's completely untypical for her.Maybe you and I should talk about some other friends...

Iam sorry,Conny...


Jeanne then pushed the Send button and sent the message on its way back to the Devil Unicorn.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-27-2011

She received Jeanne reply after a while and she shook her head after she read it.
Concordia then rolled her eyes and attempted to get a direct transmission link with Jeanne's ship.... Daemoncritus...

While fnordnet was attempting to generate the link, she prepared some tea.
As usual, the small sink was full of dishes and she had to clean a mug to drink her tea... She sighed.

She came back to the cockpit with her mug and sipped some tea...
Putting her feet on the console panel, she then tried to reach Jeanne.

"Hey... Love... You're there?" She wondered, waiting for a reply...

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-28-2011

Jeanne just wanted to turn around and leave the bridge as the melody of an incoming comsignal appeared. After a short look on the location she activated the main screen on her console and looked at Conny. '€œYes I am here. What can I do for you, Conny ? I mean calling me at 5 in the morning must have a good reason.'€ Jeanne said and looked at the cup in Conny'€™s hand. '€œDrinking that early in the morning?'€ Jeanne asked, as she thought it was Vodka or any other alcohol. Then she looked at Conny, waiting for what her friend wanted to tell her.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-28-2011

"Oh hey!" She waved when Jeanne appeared on her screen. "You look nice... You found a boy lately?" She giggled and looked at the screen again.

"Hmmm" The girl tilted her head "Is that why you don't want to come?"
She pouted "You never invite me when you are having some party" Concordia then sticked out her tongue.

"Do tell me anyway... Why don't you want to come? You said you would last time!"