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To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Printable Version

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To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Veygaar - 05-17-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


Hello there.

It has long been overdue that I speak with you. As you may or may not know, I have had a turn of allegiance against my Corsair father and his kind. I realized long ago I was a puppet to those scum and have dedicated my life to my own independence and to break my old ties.
It is probably known to that I now lead a small group of pilots known simply as The Renegades. We all have different reasons for choosing our path, whether Notoriety and Riches, Revenge, or just a quite way of gaining quick wealth. I offer all these options to my men. But, this is not a recruitment message, on the the main point.

I'd like to request a sort of Neutral Alliance. One where, you turn a blind eye to the Renegade's actions, and in turn, we will be at your service when it comes to combating Corsairs, Rhineland Military, or Rhineland Police. We will not hesitate to assist in bringing one or many of the afore mentioned groups down.

For now, that is all I have to put on the table.

Here is evidence of myself and two other Renegades taking on a group of Rhineland Battleships/Cruisers/Gunboats. As well as a few Corsairs and RM fellas I took out personally.

BattleCam Shots: -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-

*Transmission Ends*

To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Veygaar - 05-17-2011

--=-Transmission Boosted-=--

To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Blodo - 05-17-2011

Message to: Rorry
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Let it be known that I've took my personal time to research your... operations in the Omega systems. I want you to understand that I know what you are: a two bit pirate with delusions of grandeur. I think some of my recruits even lost a ship or two to one of your ambushes. I was not impressed.

That said, I am not telling you to get out. You can be of use to us once the time is right. We'll call you soon with a counter proposal.


To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Veygaar - 05-17-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


The Omegas? *shakes* The last time I was down there was eons ago when under the impression that your men had killed my mother. A story weaved by my treasonous father to cover his own tracks. I was in delusion when under the control of the Corsairs, I did have visions of grandeur as I sought to please them. But no more, I was wrong in my pursuit of revenge on you kind when it was not even your fault. The Corsairs are the ones who should die, not you. I regret what I did, but I cannot change the past.

At first I sought to reconcile with you by just leaving you be. But now we have two common enemies, and an alliance would be most beneficial.

Keep this in your thoughts as you ready your response.

*Transmission Ends*

To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Blodo - 05-20-2011

Message to: Rorry
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Guten abend.

I was planning to contact you regarding a possible job offer, but it seems that will need to wait as developments regarding it are not nearly as fast as we would have wanted them.

Regardless, since you have decided to take root in the Sigma systems, you seem to be well out of our way for the time being. I think we can spare you the trouble of working against you, so long as you hold to your own end of the bargain and not collude with our enemies. This includes not just the Corsairs, Military and Rheinland corporations but also cardamine dealers who are and will be hunted down mercilessly in Rheinland. This also includes not causing trouble for the Bundschuh. They - and we - have enough on our plates to worry about petty turf wars.

But take note: neutrality does not mean you are free to bunk down on our bases. The Junkers have a nice little port in Berlin, use it.


To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Veygaar - 05-20-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


grins Your response is much appreciated. Though I have one question... The Bundschuh. Though me and my men tried to tell them we held no hierarchy over them but the Volksfront and their leader gave out cries of oppression and claimed we were 'damaging' to their cause. Twice they have attacked us unprovoked, after we explained our common enemies. But they would not heed us...

If something could be done about this... It would be MUCH appreciated. And rewarded...

On another note, jobs we do good, if you have any, the Renegades are always up for a challenge!

*Transmission Ends*

To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Blodo - 05-20-2011

Message to: Rorry
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

The Bundschuh are idealists, Herr Rorry. They do not understand that when one is running for a grand prize, sometimes he gets a little bit dirty. But that doesn't change the fact that they are still a powerful ally to us. So try to simply avoid them. Maybe in time they'll forget about you.

I'll keep in touch.


To: The Red Hessian higher ups. - Veygaar - 05-20-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


I see, I will inform my men the Bundschuh are to be left be when possible. Though if they start a fight, we may have to finish it... We're not keen on running if we don't have to. But, we will continue to attempt negotiations with them...

*Transmission Ends*