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To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Printable Version

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To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-19-2011

~~Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: OSI, Omicroners, and TAZ.~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]

Goodday lady's and gentleman.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Sarah Millton, Iám representing FututreTech technologys a small cooporation in Bretonia that deals in weapons the '€œlegal'€ way. We are in the phase of building some offices troughout Bretonia. Lately we discoverd some individuals are very hostile against weaponsshops and are in need of some adequate protection.

Now i'am sure the Bretonian goverment is not keen on a massive battleship in space but might allow a smaller ship like a gunship, Yes i know there is a civilian one but quite honestly its the most ugly boat i've seen and the space onboard is not what we are looking for.

So we would request permission to use one or two of your '€œconference'€ class ships to represent our cooporation in future deals and maybe perform some escort jobs. As quoted from your engineers '€œAlthough not completely capable of taking down a group of several ships, it looks good, and it's damn good at lookin' good'€ Maybe looking good is the best thing we need, the first impression is mostly the key.

Some details would be:
*FutureTech uses: a freelancer transponder and ID card
*Combatuse: Extremly low, the ship will be mainly used as its class name says, For making buisness deals a stationary point for pilots to buy and maybe some escort dutys, but not for piracy or any unlawful buisness, god forbid.
*Reputation: At this moment we are a neutral sided shop, however we frown upon '€œcriminals'€ and are not keen on Kusari, but as my old man once told me '€œWar is excellent for our buisness lass, but unfortunally has its costs in credits and human lives'€

So i hope i gave you enough information to decide, iff not feel free to send me a mail and i try iff i can answer your question.

with kind regard.
S. Millton

~~Signal feed ends~~
~~Signal terminated~~

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-20-2011

~~[color=#FFCC00]Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: OSI, Omicroners, and TAZ.~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]

We are wondering iff our message has reach one of the three mentioned groups? Not trying to press matters but you must understand that these days time is money.
We look forward to a reply.

S. Millton

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Stygian - 05-20-2011

[Image: gabetrans.png]
Hello there Ms. Millton,

I must apologize for the delay. I've looked over your proposal and it seems well enough and the Conference is a good fit for your needs. But before we sign anything I'd like to ask about the weapons you happen to be dealing. I take pride in outfitting my security division with the best equipment available. Once your business is up and running perhaps we can work out a deal for a discount for my company. If we can come to an agreement on this I'd be more than happy to sell you the ship you are looking for.

Looking forward to your reply,
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-25-2011

~~[color=#FFCC00]Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: G Caudill~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]


Well i think its no problem to make a deal, however before we sign anything i must tell you we cannot give you disscount on all weapons. Ill try to explain, we try to sell our weapons already lower than most of the weapondealers around these days, this because FutureTech thinks some weapons are been sold for to steep prices, however... some guns are so rare and so hard to find our suppliers demand a steep price, and we are a buisness afterall.

But i tell you something... what iff you tell me what kind of weapons you look for i'am sure we can work out somekind of buisness.

S. Millton

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Stygian - 05-25-2011

[Image: gabetrans.png]
Fair enough. Specifically, we are looking for at least 4 Ragnarok and 4 Iron Hammer weapons. I am also interested in some of the more common and cheaper codenames. But that isn't really important at this time. We might be able to work out a deal on that some other time.

If you can provide us with those 8 weapons for a fair price you will have your ship.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-27-2011

~~[color=#FFCC00]Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: G Caudill~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]

I'am not entirely sure i understand what you mean. Let me see iff i get you right, in order for FututreTech to fly one of your conferenceclass ships and use it as a armored shop we have to deliver you with, 4 Ragnaroks and 4 Iron Hammers? I hope i read this wrong, atm Ragnarok prices have tripled in there value and we only have limited supplys. But with the 4 Ironhammers i'am sure we can work something out.

But know a straight question:
What would it take or maybe cost FutureTech to fly a Conference class gunship and use it as armored vault/shop?
Iff you want we can meet on Southampton shipyard, we can show you some weapon demonstrations and maybe complete our deal over the weekend with a good glass of brandy or maybe even a good glass of wine?

S. Millton

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Riebezagel - 05-27-2011

[Image: 729zdjnq.png]

[color=#FFFFCC]Greetings Ms. Millton,

i deeply apology for the delay. But the neutron star in Omega 41 gives us problems with transmissions from and to bretonia from time to time. I'm sending this message highly encrypted because our friends from the OSI won't be that happy about it. The Omicroners are willing to give you the permission you have asked for under following conditions:
  • We need he exact call sign of your vessel for the permission.
  • You won't harm Zoners in any way and act in self defense only.
  • We expect a FutureTech agent to visit us at Freeport XV to talk
    about further business relations.
I'm personally very interested in your company and look forward to hear from you.

Keek out
[Image: mtprztas.png]

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Daedric - 05-27-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Sarah Millton

Mr Caudill wasn't asking for you to hand us eight weapons in exchange for a Conference. He merely wants to buy them from you at a fair price. You sell us the weapons at a fair market price and we issue a license for your company to utilize a Conference. I believe our Director of Security has also expressed interest in obtaining a number of weapons from your company, but that is separate from this issue.

Let us know the cost of the 8 weapons Mr Caudill mentioned, where we can wire the payment to, and where we can pick them up and you'll have your licensee.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-28-2011

~~Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: Mr Cross~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]

Hello dear sir.

Its good to hear that, for a second i feared i had to let this deal go. Seems i read it wrong, proves again how fast we can make mistakes. Well fair prices... FutureTech tries to make them. FutureTech can sell at this moment 4 Iron Hammers for say for 14 million a gun? and 1 ragnarok, atm this gun is going up and down in prices at our shop, price depends when we complete our deal, we might rechieve some more ragnaroks in the comming week but that shipment is not sure to arrive due the high dangers of technothieves these days, we already caught one sneeking in one of our vaults trying to steel some other highgrade equipment with his buddys. Nothing less to say they was uprehanded by our securityforce and handed over to the local authority's.

Send my regards to mr Caudill Iff he wants to buy from our shop he is more than welcome, our office can for now be located at Southampton Shipyards deck 8 corridor E, i must warn him our security guards handle a strict "keep your weapons holstered" policy, but iam sure you can understand that.

S. Millton

To the OSI, Omicroners and TAZ - Husher - 05-31-2011

~~Incomming transmission~~
~~'Security level: Moderate'~~

~Opening file~
~From: Sarah Millton, representitive of FutureTech technologys.~
~To: Mr Cross~

[Image: kellyweaverpic.jpg]

Hello dear sir.

Maybe you did miss this message? So iam sending it again for you to read...

S. Millton