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Missing a character :D - Printable Version

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Missing a character :D - Unit-sk855 - 02-06-2008

Well, apparently one of my boys got delted. Im pretty sure i activated him along with all my others, and i have screens if needed to get him back.

Character "Calus" flying a spatial. Sam eaccount as katharina and ravager. On my other account all my characters remain, even one that i know for sure i have not played in a long time o.0, only reactivated him today.

Any chance i can get my old man placed back on my account?

Chara login

and one of me playing him

Silly mercs... harrasing a junker..

anyways, forget about the content of the pics, just the proof that i had the character. I have a couple more but those should be enough:D

Not sure how this normaly works, but i hope i can get him back. Either way, cya all around soon:D

*EDIT* bah im a noob, just found the proper thread:Dmoving this too it.