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T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Printable Version

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T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Sirius Resistance - 05-25-2011

Probably the most OORP ship available in the mod is the T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer. I've seen Freelancers, Pirates and Bounty Hunters using this ship for the sole reason that it can kick serious but and is even capable of defeating house gunboats. This is supposed to be a Kusari civilian ship. Read the description in the wiki. But this ship is capable of mounting class 8 gunboat turrets.

Worst OORP setup I've seen is the following:
Ship: T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer
ID: Freelancer
IFF: Freelancer
Guns: Zoner gunboat turrets

My request for the next update to this mod is that we downgrade the guns on the Ahoudori from class 8 to class 7 transport turrets. This thing is supposed to be for "exploration" and not for combat. Its weapons should be for defense, not offense.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Hielor - 05-25-2011

It doesn't make any sense at all that the Ahoudori, which is available to so many people, is nearly as powerful as some house gunboats and is actually one of the strongest gunboats around. It certainly leads to a lot of OORP situations as people try to shoehorn their RP into using it in order to have the best chance of killing people.

IMO, tone it down, a lot. It should be either a transport at its current size(so get rid of those gunboat weapons), or it should be a light gunboat and have its size/stats adjusted correspondingly.

There also should be similar options available from other houses.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Torch Rose - 05-25-2011

At the moment, the Ahudori is the ONLY gunboat available to generic people. I find that nerfing it would be a bad idea.

You mention the high stats for this ship. Yea, it has 7 turrets (While most gunboats only have 6), the highest plant for a gunboat. But, it's VERY slow, the hitbox is HORRIBLE, and it's pretty big, probably about the size of a Tridente, if not bigger. I think that the slowness of this ship makes up for the large plant (Yes it can fire 5 razors, but you wont ever be able to see a fighter in front of you to hit it.)

' Wrote:This thing is supposed to be for "exploration" and not for combat. Its weapons should be for defense, not offense.

The Corvo fits this description too, and it has cruiser weapons. That ship is fine as it is.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Sirius Resistance - 05-25-2011

The Corvo is also "restricted" in that it cannot be used for combat.

The Ahoudori firing 5 razors is pretty bad for the trader when in the hands of a pirate. This ship is not being used against fighters. Its being used against other gunboats, but primarily its being used against transports and freighters.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Snoozzzer - 05-25-2011

[font=Comic Sans Ms]As the lovely Rose stated, the Ahudori is the only option for "Pirates, Freelancers and" bounty hunting mercenaries. It is not overpowered. The ship is huge and slow, has poor top and bottom arcs, average hull strength and cannot fire all it's turrets forwards or back.

Blame the tech chart and lack of ship choices, because balance wise the Ahudori Explorer is spot on for it's lore - slow, large and old.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - tansytansey - 05-25-2011

This thread makes me laugh...

Especially this part:
' Wrote:probably about the size of a Tridente, if not bigger.

The Tridente is one of the smallest Gunboats, the KEB is much bigger than it.

Although I haven't checked the stats, so I cannot confirm myself, the KEB is one of, if not the slowest turning Gunboat there is. (It's probably a toss up between the KEB an the Bretonian TANKboat)

The KEB might be civilian/generic, but it has never been a standard of Freelancer or Discovery to make generic ships weaker than every other ship. Take the Eagle for example, it's one of the top VHFs and always has been.

The KEB is far from overpowered and/or unbalanced.

It's weakness is it's turning, and if you can't fly circles around that thing then the problem exists between your chair and keyboard.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Sirius Resistance - 05-25-2011

Well when you compare it in combat with other combat vessels you may be right. But the Ahoudori is primarily used against transports and freighters. Not much survival on the part of the transport or freighter. Especially when you fit it with pulses and razors. Even the biggest transports are gone before they can dock or get away. If this thing is gonna stay as is then we need to place restrictions on its use, just like we have on the Corvo.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - tansytansey - 05-25-2011

' Wrote:Well when you compare it in combat with other combat vessels you may be right. But the Ahoudori is primarily used against transports and freighters. Not much survival on the part of the transport or freighter. Especially when you fit it with pulses and razors. Even the biggest transports are gone before they can dock or get away. If this thing is gonna stay as is then we need to place restrictions on its use, just like we have on the Corvo.

Since when have any transports ever stood a chance against a Gunboat?

Why should the KEB be any different?

Your reasoning is illogical.

Also, after a quick glance at the stats of the KEB and other Gunboats, I can say with confidence that it's the slowest Gunboat, with turning near to that of a Salvager (Cruiser sized transport/gunboat hybrid)


It turns slower than every House Gunboat, has less armour than the Rheinland, Bretonian and Liberty Gunboats. It has less guns than the Bretonian and Liberty Gunboats, but more than the Kusari Gunboat and the same as the Rheinland Gunboat. Furthermore it does not have a forward cannon like any of the House Gunboats. It has more power than the Liberty and Kusari Gunboats, however it has equal power with the Bretonian and Rheinland Gunboats.

In fact it's only real advantage is the 50 extra nanobots it can carry.

This thread seems like another case of PEBCAK.

Problem exists between Chair and Keyboard.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Sirius Resistance - 05-25-2011

Its not the size and speed, its the firepower and energy output.

T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer - Boss - 05-25-2011

Bret GB turns the same speed as the Corsair and Rheinland GBs.

Ahoudori turns the same speed as the Salvager.