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To: Liberty Rogues - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Rogues - SMGSterlin - 05-26-2011


Location: Buffalo Base

[color=#FF99FF]Comm ID: Steven.Stephenson

Greetings Rogues! I am a Freelancer, I was just walking around the Equipment Dealer's Shop here on Buffalo, and I am really loving these Belial Turrets you folks have! I believe they would look quite good on my Border Worlds Transport! Now, I am not just going to ask for your technology without giving good reason as to why I should be allowed to have them. Firstly, I am a long time smuggler, I have bought large quantities of slaves from your Niverton base, which I am sure helps to fund you all, and your efforts. Secondly, I have on numerous occasions fought with unlawfuls against Liberty Navy officers, which shows both my distaste for the lawful forces here in Liberty, and my preference of the Rogues. Lastly, Liberty doesn't know of my lawlessness, which puts me into a good position to act as a spy for the Rogues, I could help you guys out that way, in return for the turrets I request.

I am sure we can work out something, I look forward to your reply!


To: Liberty Rogues - SMGSterlin - 05-27-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]::::::Transmission Resent::::::

To: Liberty Rogues - WhiteKnight30303 - 05-27-2011

Even if your request was properly submitted, I doubt that it would be approved. However, this is the correct location for technology requests.

To: Liberty Rogues - tansytansey - 05-28-2011

[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]

Dear Stephenson;

Are you aware that using Belial Turrets in Liberty is illegal?

You wouldn't be much use to us as once the law know's you're working with us.

Furthermore, Freelancers have a history of changing minds. We're not so inclined to give up our technologies to those that might turn on us in the future when the money'd good enough.

Request denied for now.

Eva, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

To: Liberty Rogues - SMGSterlin - 05-28-2011

Ms. Jones, you bring up a good point, however, I am not glued to my Border Worlds Transport, I can hop into a fighter of mine or something for spying purposes. As far as them possibly seeing me with those guns while flying on that ship, well, most LPI and LN, as you know, are quite incompetent, and I'm not exactly new to this game, I know how to keep unwanted people from seeing me.

Also, I'm not going to betray you lot, the money is too good to consider any other type of life.

' Wrote:Even if your request was properly submitted, I doubt that it would be approved. However, this is the correct location for technology requests.
//Someone should of linked me to that in the thread I made asking about it. >_>