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A new tech system - Ingenious - 05-27-2011

[color=#660000]To whom it may concern: I would love it if you don't troll and hijack this post like you do in all the other non-RP topics on these forums.
You know who you are.

' Wrote:By all means propose a different solution than the tech chart. As a poll of mine shows, the majority of the community has at least one gripe with the current way things are done, however, no better solution has been concretely proposed. Be sure to list every pro and con to your solution, while remaining as unbiased as possible in your writing.


<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]The current tech system forces people to rely on charts and external sources in order to stay with the times. Changes to these charts and sources cause unnecessary disruption to what would otherwise be a great roleplay experience. Additionally, control over weapons becomes an unnecessary forum metagame that has nothing to do with the actual roleplay experience. I propose a new tech system that puts these issues to rest.

  • No forum requests or charts for tech
  • Fastidious acknowledgement of both player faction RP and independent RP
  • Less restrictions on players who affiliate with NPC factions, but not with the corresponding player factions
Proposed system

I. Equipment
Equipment will agree with NPC reputation. Player factions will collaborate with admins to decide which ship equipment corresponds to their associated NPC faction. Moreover, they will decide how friendly a player has to be to not only buy, but equip, a given piece of this faction equipment. Let us call this the rep threshold.

When players go to equip faction equipment, it will not be mountable if the player's NPC reputation is not equal to or better than this rep threshold. When players login, any equipment whose rep threshold requirements are not satisfied will be unequipped automatically by the server upon login (or dock/undock ? ) .

<strike>No more special requests. If you don't have the rep to use it, you can't use it.</strike> If you want to use it, get the rep and keep the rep that way. By corollary, ID repninjas can be used to accomplish what red cells on the tech chart accomplish now. ID repninjas restrict reputation which will in turn restrict equipment.

I am willing and able to help write this scripting.
II. Ships
Ships will not be purchasable with incorrect ID. ID cannot be purchased that does not agree with a ship. This will be accomplished through server scripts. Once again, players and admins will collaborate to decide which IDs permit which ships. This can change over time, but if ship use with a given ID becomes invalid, the character is grandfathered in. Perhaps a friendly server message upon login will let the player know that there is a mismatch, but keeping the mismatch won't be against the rules. New players would not be able to set up a similar mismatch, however.
III. Additional comments

More generic and civilian weapons need to be made available up to and including gunboats for independents and freelancers to use.

To the contrary, more faction-specific bomber weapons and capital ship "heavy weapons" e.g. razors need to be introduced so this system can achieve its full potential.
Closing remarks

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]I am more than open to criticism and revision of this.
I am willing to help code the server scripting.
I intend to look out for indies and non-factioners as well as for factioners in my proposal. Equally. If you don't like this equal treatment, reevaluate your priorities.

[color=#CC0000] [color=#990000]I would love it if you don't troll and hijack this post.

A new tech system - Tequilla.Sunrise - 05-27-2011

One issue I see is with independent IDs using faction ships, for example the Rebel II is a Manta with Freelancer ID, since Jesse Casas retired and kept his ship. If it's hardcoded, how could exceptions like this be made?

EDIT: I like the idea on the guns though, that's nice.

A new tech system - Bloom - 05-27-2011

I see some problems as well...might be tedious, but one can avoid the repninja and the re-logging: he reps, gets whatever guns he wishes, pewpew, repeat after re-logging. It can also limit roleplay even more than the current tech chart does. A tech chart full of white cells would be an interesting alternative. Leaves a lot of windows open, even if it would mean a lot more work for factions, and possible abuses (although I start with the premise that faction leaders are serious people).
I remember Tycho proposing a VERY interesting system a while back, but not sure if he wants it public, so I won't say a word about it.

A new tech system - Ingenious - 05-27-2011

' Wrote:One issue I see is with independent IDs using faction ships, for example the Rebel II is a Manta with Freelancer ID, since Jesse Casas retired and kept his ship. If it's hardcoded, how could exceptions like this be made?

Quote:Ships will not be purchasable with incorrect ID.
if ship use with a given ID becomes invalid, the character is grandfathered in.

Independents wouldn't be able to do it. I imagine maybe there could be special requests for ships, but not necessarily in a public metagame-able forum. In this case, maybe there is an exception placed on the server script for the particular character and the particular ship. Upon transition, perhaps handle 'grandfather' ships on a case by case basis.

' Wrote:I see some problems as well...might be tedious, but one can avoid the repninja and the re-logging: he reps, gets whatever guns he wishes, pewpew, repeat after re-logging. It can also limit roleplay even more than the current tech chart does.
Maybe do it upon docking and undocking too.

The point is to make weaponry and equipment more dependent on ingame NPC reputation, an RP indicator, than ID, which is essentially an OORP indicator. I would rather tweak the system and have people doing sensible things than have all white cells, but that could be an interesting possibility as well. You have a point that this might be more restrictive, but I am sure there is a way I am not thinking of that allows us to avoid restricting everything to an insane degree as it might seem I am suggesting.

A new tech system - Bloom - 05-27-2011

NPC rep, as in green or red, is way more OORP (and limiting RP) than ids.

A new tech system - Ingenious - 05-27-2011

' Wrote:NPC rep, as in green or red, is way more OORP (and limiting RP) than ids.
Why do you say that? It does affect quite a lot, like where you can dock and what you can buy.
Maybe we can work to make it more RP using scripts instead of having forum reputation be the main indicator......

For example, an easily writable server script could make killing players of a given IFF cause a rep change based on that, larger in magnitude than 1 NPC kill.

A new tech system - Bloom - 05-28-2011

Forum reputation ain't a RP indicator. But forums do help, and you can get advantages if used properly. It requires some hard work, people who do it deserve the rewards. Simple as that. With your system, some random dude pews 10 NPCs and gets a ship and guns. Cool roleplay :cool:

A new tech system - Alex. - 05-28-2011

' Wrote:This will be accomplished through server scripts.
I got to this bit and realised you have no idea what you're talking about.

A new tech system - Ingenious - 05-28-2011

' Wrote:Forum reputation ain't a RP indicator. But forums do help, and you can get advantages if used properly. It requires some hard work, people who do it deserve the rewards. Simple as that. With your system, some random dude pews 10 NPCs and gets a ship and guns. Cool roleplay :cool:

Actions speak louder than words. It'd be more than 10 NPCs, but yeah, if we can get ingame rep to reflect player actions, other than killing npcs, accurately, I'd much rather have ingame indicators matter over forum metagaming.

What about if police had some sort of command that when used (on a target, not just any name), would damage someone's rep toward Liberty? There are more possibilities with scripting.

' Wrote:I got to this bit and realised you have no idea what you're talking about.
Did you read the first sentence of the post before you got there?

A new tech system - Hielor - 05-28-2011

I can easily change my NPC rep--I have several characters that are full green with dozens of factions. In order to prevent me buying their equipment, you would need to have every ID rephacked to every other one.

What you're proposing would essentially remove NPC rep as a useful indicator of the reputation of a character, since it would only be used to indicate who can buy what.

Also, there's no room in your system for white cells, just green and red.

While an in-game system would be nice, your idea is both more limiting and more time consuming than the current method.

The tech chart is exceedingly simple. Look at it. Find your ID. Find the faction owner of your tech. You have your answer.