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To: Outcast 101st High Command - Printable Version

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To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-28-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


Good day...

I am Rip Rorry, originating from Sigma 13, now leader of the Renegades, a small group of skilled pirates and smugglers operating mainly in the top region of Rhienland.

It was just today I encountered your blockade in Honshu, it is a rare moment in time when a man is able to see such a gathering of elite pilots flying under the same banner. Men who can pull off a sustained blockade such are yourselves demand a certain amount of respect.

And so I offer such respect, in the form of a request to give assistance. My men and I have seen our way through many a futile situation and come through victorious. It is our fighting skills I offer, if there is anything or anyone you need dead or ran off, please feel free to use us.

As a note, we hold a special form of hatred for those who call themselves Corsairs. My group is small, so it is my offer to begin several 'hit and run' operations deep inside Corsair space in your name.

We await your reply.
Until then.
slight bow

~Scripted by Alan Write, Rorry's brother and personal diplomat.
Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-28-2011

--=-Transmission Boosted-=--

To: Outcast 101st High Command - maximus995 - 05-28-2011

[Image: footba3r.png]

Buenos Dias senor rorry

Let me start by saying i do not represent the 101st in this case however your message has been forwarded to the high officials.

Further, if my memory still serves me well, i remember an old battle. One where you were fighting on the side of the corsairs.... How are we to know that you do not still serve them?...

however dont take that the wrong way, If your intentions are indeed honest and chivalrous than I will be the first one to welcome yet another allie

With high regards,

Maximus De Castillo

[Image: footbar.png]

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-28-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


Ah yes, I have heard tale of some missing figures of the Outcast nation.

Yes your memory does server you well, I was once a confused man, blinded by lies and filled with hatred toward the wrong people. My father was a liar, the Corsair nation is full of them, and I no longer fall victim to their devious ways.

In order to prove my own and the Renegades word that we DO hate the Corsairs. We will not ask for assistance, but for your eyes to watch as kill one by one, every Corsair that is caught idle. Though this, may we prove our worthy intentions toward the Outcasts, and perhaps one day, we can work together, stronger, as friends.

~Scripted by Alan Write, Rorry's brother and personal diplomat.
Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-29-2011

--=-Transmission Boosted-=--

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-29-2011

--=-Boosted Ten-Fold-=--

To: Outcast 101st High Command - SMGSterlin - 05-29-2011

::::::Incoming Transmission::::::
Location: Valetta Shipyard
Comm ID: Carlos Santanna

[Image: sombrero-straw-mexican-hat.jpg]

[font=Arial]Hola Senor Rorry, while I may not be a "High Official", I am a veteran member of the Outcasts. I would like to just say that I know myself, as well as all mi amigos that took part in this blockade appreciate your admiration and respect for it, as well as the respect for them.

I would also like to say that I see no reason why this offer would be denied, or ignored, we, being the Outcast Nation, have nothing to lose from this proposal, but much to gain. However, due to your past dealings with the Corsairs, until your allegiance to us is proved or demonstrated, it shouldn't surprise anyone that we keep an eye on you and your men senor, I know I personally will, there's nothing more embarrassing than letting your guard down and letting an "ally" strike you down... Well, except for dieing from a lack of Cardimine... It's nothing personal, just common sense security, and I do hope that you and your men will do a good job at killing those cannibals called the Corsairs.

Hopefully, over time, we will be able to call you our amigos.

~Carlos Santanna

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-29-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


Thank you for the positive response. We will begin operations shortly and will report them to the Outcasts on this channel, which is now open to all who fly under the Outcast banner. Expect reports soon...

Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Dennis Jameson - 05-29-2011

[Image: eyesoe.png]

[From: Administrator D. Jameson - Maltese Navy]

Greetings, "King" Rorry...

Now, don't give me that look, old boy! I was merely poking fun at you. State which payment you desire for these "services" which you are so keen on offering and let's get cracking.

Do you desire... slaves, hmm? Guns? Women? ... men? Speak your mind, and let's strike a fair deal.

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-30-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*


No payment required Mr. Jameson. Just an opportunity to show our good will toward the Outcasts and a chance to take out some Corsairs under your watch. We have already begun. winks

~Scripted by Alan Write, Rorry's brother and personal diplomat.
Transmission Ends