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Morning all - Printable Version

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Morning all - Valiant - 02-08-2008

Hey everyone,

My name's Taylor Kirby, only played FL online a very small bit. My friend got me into it on evolved, they went down, so i eventually followed him to Shattered Worlds, who, regrettably, went down before they managed to get off the ground. I spent a few weeks on Asgard after that, having visited Discovery briefly in the meantime.

I recently decided to get back into FL. So you might see me online every once in awhile. I've rp'ed a very little bit, but should be able to hold my own. Working out the details of a few characters while i try to make the cash to actually get into the game. Im not really looking to join a faction for awhile, rather I'd like to get to know the server and rp a little better.

Thats all ive got, its good to be here.


Morning all - Heartless - 02-08-2008

Welcome to Disco! I'm sure you'll find it very nice here, just read the rules and you're set! Have fun!

Morning all - REB - 02-08-2008

Welcome my good man.

Morning all - BULLDOGNK - 02-08-2008

Hello and Welcome to Discovery.

Please follow all the rules and enjoy yourself.


Morning all - bluntpencil2001 - 02-08-2008

Yullo thar!

Prepare yourself for oft repeated semi-insanities from our eager and friendly members...

Morning all - Turkish - 02-08-2008

I suggest you read the twice thrice over and find yourself a nice starter faction, RepEx and SA are both fine establishments.

Morning all - Etaphreven - 02-08-2008

Welcome to Disco, bud.

Have fun in here:)
And although Turkish is right, he is still one of the three local cannibals: him, Mal and Harley.:)


Morning all - Leo - 02-08-2008

Hey man, welcome to discovery.

I played on Shattered Worlds and Evolved for a long time as well under the handle of SpAz or Sayne. Also several others from SW came here as well, so you'll at least know some people here.

Watch out for Kommie Penguins and don't Feed the Bulldog and you'll be a-ok here.

Morning all - Zapp - 02-08-2008

And don't say you're a girl, even if you are. Ever.

Welcome, and join the BLS! *points at sig* We have ice cream!

Morning all - marauder - 02-08-2008

Welcome to the never-ending party that is disco!

Also, forget about commie penguins and cannibals they're not the real threat.

It's the autopilot AI.

Yup, you read it right, why do you need enemies when your ship will happily fly you through a planet to get to the docking ring/mooring fixture.

Yup, don't be afraid of robots, killer or otherwise, be very, very, very afriad of your ship;)


See? Even Vape flys on manual all the time thats why he (she?) is drinking coffee
