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To Omicroners - Lusitano - 05-29-2011

* From New Lusitania, on Gran Canaria*


You may remember us, and i come here to say that we are full back in business. The land is ready, the crops are growing, all animals are here and all fruit trees are in place. The buildings are all almost ready, and the bunker for protection is almost ready ... only the instalation of the shields generators is left but all materials are here. So it means that, all my crews are free and my transports are ready for any commodities you may need, and you can be sure that job is well done, like we proven on pass jobs.

Best regards


To Omicroners - Riebezagel - 05-29-2011

[Image: 729zdjnq.png]

[color=#FFFFCC]Greetings Mr. Viriato,

nice to see you again! I'm very happy that such reliable trade partner like you is back in business. Your supplies have been missed so sadly, since the Omicron Supply Industries stopped to supply the Omicrons. I guess they should look for a new name. *laughs*
Anyway, i'm not up to date about the commodities we need. Till Mr. Moebus or Mr. Lacroix order otherwise, we would be very happy about some basic supplies like water, oxygen and fertilizers. Looking forward to see you again soon!

Keek out
[Image: mtprztas.png]

To Omicroners - Lusitano - 05-29-2011

* From New Lusitania, Gran canaria*

Greetings Mr. Keek

I know that OSI stop suply you, that is why i'm making this business proposal. One of my ships, the Nau, passed many times by Om 74, mainly to bring superconductors to Livadia, but the main business is H Fuel and Alien Organims, while she wasn't bring materials to our comunity ... New Lusitania as i like to call.

But now we don't need all hands here, what is still need to do is for experts. We are living hard times and Gran Canaria is a easy target. We must take precautions. But for now we are here to serve. We have a BTW transport, the Nau, and ZBT, the Caravela. They are both ready. Since OSI is no more supling we ofer our services to you, this way OSI will not be "mad" with us and we know what a "mad" corporation can do. We suply you and they can suply other Zoner bases.

You for now asked water, oxigen and fertilizers. Ok for me! I don't like fertilizers! On our farms we use alien organisms, after dead they decompose and we get a nice raw fertilizers with no toxic products. But is your choice. Please say where you whant this deliveries and what quantities.

For future business let me say what are the NO commodities that we can take:

HELL NO: Gaian WildLife, Slaves, Cardemine, Artifacts, Synthetic marijuana.

NO: Anything that is forbidden to transport or is necessary a restrict licence.

Weapons ... well ... just if you really need!

The rest ... we speak when the time comes.

Best regards


To Omicroners - Riebezagel - 05-30-2011

[Image: 729zdjnq.png]

[color=#FFFFCC]Greetings Viriato,

thanks again for your help, we really need it. I already forwarded your offer to the Freeport XV administration and i think you will get contacted soon.
I didn't know you are in the weapon business too. That is really interesting, because we badly need 1 Silver Fire weapon. Maybe you can help us with
that too. Anyway, clear skies to you! We'll hopefully see us again soon.

Keek out
[Image: mtprztas.png]

To Omicroners - Lusitano - 05-31-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*


The weapons that i was talking was light weapons and black market ammo. The kind of weapns that you are talking i also made some business in the pass but ... a Silver Fire ... i think i never had one. I got then and usually sold then to pilots that passed me by.

Now i pass most of my time on Gran Canaria but i have another ship that is exploring Sirius. Give me some time and i will see what i can do.

Best regards


To Omicroners - Riebezagel - 06-01-2011

[Image: 729zdjnq.png]

[color=#FFFFCC]Viriato my friend,

seems i just got you wrong about the weapons. So please don't care about it that much, things like water and oxygen are of course more important for us than a rare weapon. We are thankful for your support, i hope we see us again soon.

Keek out
[Image: mtprztas.png]

To Omicroners - moebus - 06-01-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]
Good day Viriato,

I am currently assessing our stocks, I will publish our needs next week.
Of course you are more than welcome to participate.

Best Regards,
Dankien Moebus
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

To Omicroners - Lusitano - 06-01-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*


We are quite busy (//real life busy) but soon we will start delivering.

And the weapons, don't worry! I'm also working on it. Is a thing that i rarely do so no problem.

Best regards


To Omicroners - Lusitano - 06-03-2011

*From new Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings again

I manage to get this Log

10800 water
10800 oxigen
7200 fertilizers

And Mr. Keek ... i have your special request!

I also ask you to read this Pirate with Zoner guns

Best regards


To Omicroners - Riebezagel - 06-03-2011

[Image: 729zdjnq.png]

[color=#FFFFCC]Greetings Viriato,

first i like to thank you in the name of the Omicroners for all the supplies you delivered to Freeport XV. I like to thank you too for taking care of my special request, i can't wait seeing you at XV and hear about how you managed that one. About the pirate near Corfu, that's indeed disturbing news. We're going to increase our patrols in Omicron Theta, just i case the Slice.Of.Dice is a real threat.

Keek out
[Image: mtprztas.png]