Discovery Gaming Community
To: The 101st - Printable Version

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To: The 101st - Salt - 05-30-2011

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Location- Omicron Alpha::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::To: 101st Outcast Guard::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Initiating transmission::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Buenos dias.

My name is Eduardo Santiago, captain of the MNS-Maltesian.
Dreadnought class battleship.

I wish to discuss with you the following.

I have put forth a request to the Lane Hacker Organisation, on the subject of aquiring a set of their Battleship turrets.
Not to say that I haven't faith in those of Maltese origin, but it is noted that those of Lane Hacker design are capable of reaching greater distances than any other.
I feel that this would be an advantage against any enemy of Malta. Allowing us to outrange their cannons, while their vessels crumble under the searing heat of our barrels.

Understandably the Organisation is reluctant to approve this request, in leiu of the "Undead" issue, with which I'm sure you are aware of. Fearing that their own weapons might be used against them.

I ask with sincerity that you might consider putting their fears at ease.
As a response from you may reinforce their trust in myself and my crew's integrity.

A recorded log of a conversation with Professor Clay of the Lane Hackers has been uploaded with this transmission.
Under the following file: XQ345AZ-4

Aswell as the Organisation's Diplomacy Channel

On a related note, that of the 'Undead' issue.
If there is punitive action to be undertaken against their ranks, I request that my crew and ship would be considered for an opportunity to partake.
I would consider it an honour to restore Malta's pride, which I feel that the 'Undead' have tarnished.

Yours humbly.


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