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Ramming and damage - Printable Version

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Ramming and damage - Vladimir - 05-31-2011

Alright, ramming is great. No, really. It's a shame it was turned down for snubs (yes it was annoying when you lost bots while chasing some shieldrunner together because pursuers were ramming each other, but it was still fun), and i would totally love it to be applied to ramming assteroids. Imagine the capship horror in rocky environments!

But here's a little problem. Some ships don't damage others/take damage according to their size and common sense.

I guess the damage is based on the mass of the ship, but where can i see the mass of different ships? Because, say, Zephyr (img bs) ramming an Imperator (sair gb) takes more damage from that than gb. That doesn't sound right.

So, tl;dr:

1) What is the ramming damage distribution based on?
2) Where can i see it and the formulas?


Ramming and damage - Klaw117 - 05-31-2011

Why was automatic hull damage from ramming even turned on in the first place? It makes no sense for your ship to take damage from a collision if the shields are still up. I think it would make more sense if collision damage was increased against shields or unshielded hulls.

Ramming and damage - r3vange - 05-31-2011

Actually it does make sense, the shields protect from the energy outputs of weapons not external elements e.i radiation sun heat, atmospheric friction.

Ramming and damage - Jinx - 05-31-2011

the ramming system is a little messed up atm...

for one - there ought to be a mass cap ( meaning - ships above a certain mass should not get damage from ramming )

then ... currently the ship that is ramming into another one takes massive damage, the ship that was rammed takes damage - but a lot less.

so currently - you can pick any battleship. when you ram into something else, you take massive damage ( probably even when you ram into a gunboat )

i had the formula around somewhere - but too lazy to dig it out.... the max mass was meant to be 220 or 250 or something...

we can expect it to get fixed though - so it only discourages snubs from ramming capital ships in the future.

Ramming and damage - Linkus - 05-31-2011

Freelancer's basic ramming calculations are about as sensible as keeping a pet hippo as a kindergarden mascot, sleeping next to the children.

Seriously, they are messed up.

Ramming and damage - Vladimir - 05-31-2011

But the capital ship rams are fun! I mean, it's the most fun part about caps! It would be even more fun if you could do the same damage you take...

But anyway. Do you mean that fixing ramming system means "caps can't damage each other while ramming"? You know, caps will still ram each other to hurt aiming.