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I'm back - Printable Version

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I'm back - jxie93 - 06-04-2011

I just finished my exams and I should be able to hang out again within the Disco community. In case you haven't noticed, I was gone for well over the last 2 months and I kinda missed hanging out with you lot. I lurked a bit though, but not enough to keep up.

So if anyone could tell me what the new bandwagon/conspiracy theory is, any new stuff (lol 4.86) etc I'd be happy to reintegrate myself back into this cesspool of scum and villainy.

This could have been in /f/lood, but what difference does it make now?


edit: for teh lulz

[Image: 2gujbr8.jpg]

I'm back - Jeremy Hunter - 06-04-2011

You only missed the new forum.layout.

I'm back - Korny - 06-04-2011




I'm back - jxie93 - 06-04-2011


Someone needs to point me to the forum new section notice.

Zoners indeed.

I'm back - michiyl - 06-04-2011

You missed my pirate character and his ship taking over whole Sirius and Gallia and pew pew and *kabooom* ... and stuff:D

Apart from that ... yeah, the forums:)Check out the new layout and don't get lost in it:D

Happy to see you back ^^

Here's the link you need to read all about the forum changes:)The last few pages (starting at page 3-4 I think) are the ones with the layout of the now-time:D