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Banned account, again - Printable Version

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Banned account, again - Osilon - 06-04-2011

I tried to be careful and count my logins, but i made a mistake with the counting. I'll have to write it down somewhere. 9 possible cheating messages means ban, right?

Banned account, again - bobeza - 06-06-2011

I've seen you attempting to log on Vixen's.Novus.Domus a few times and then Possible Cheating Detected. I have departing and new player messages turned on!

Banned account, again - Osilon - 06-07-2011

Point being? When I lag out it gives me a new player message. This has already been cleared up =/ Anzlag sucks.

Banned account, again - Mickk - 06-07-2011

Yep, ANZLag does suck.

I also live in Australia, but I live in the bit of Australia that the news services and popular bands seem to forget about most of the time, you know the big bit over to the west there.

I guess I've been lucky, but I haven't gotten a lag related ban yet.

Banned account, again - Osilon - 06-08-2011


Banned account, again - Osilon - 06-12-2011

Oh come on. Can someone PLEASE look at this now? =/