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Outcasts Family Honour Gladiator Arena - Printable Version

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Outcasts Family Honour Gladiator Arena - maximus995 - 06-06-2011

[Image: footba3r.png]

*Maximus De Castillo is seen sitting behind his desk in a uniform fitting a king*

My fellow outcasts,

Today i have met a man of great vision, a true Outcast in heart and soul. This man came to me with a request. A request for help with a vision that may again blow life into the once famous family's on Malta. This Man was named Asa AShad.

Asa Ashad's idea was the following: In ancient rome family's their honour was deffended by gladiators, fierce warriors that risced their lives for their masters. So it shall be yet again. FOUR family's will be allowed to let their Gladiators (// you cant be your own gladiator, youll have to be present at the fight yourself) Fight for the familia's honour.

Participants will be named
[Family name]-"familyhead"[L](for the family representative)
[Family name]-"gladiatorname"[S](for the gladiator)

Now why would we enter this might one ask himself. The Maltese people are a proud people, a title as this one would surely bring fortune to your familia. And if not for the honour, well the winning family will get rewarded 50.000.000 From the De.Castillo family. Toghetter with the Title of Maltan Noble and a Cardamine Plantation.

Now to start we will keep this small, who knows one day we might enlargen this, but it is just a start

We will begin with 4 family's , 1 of which will be the De Castillo family, that leaves open THREE spots. to secure a spot for your family, all that is needed is
  • a small family background of atleast 10 sentences with a minimum of 15 words per sentence. a grand Total of 150 words is also allowed
  • The Family representatives name
  • A ship that has gotten fame around Malta (//to avoid people that arent outcast, im only accepting people ive seen around the planet before)
*screen turns to the De Castillo family shield*
[Image: footbar.png]

Outcasts Family Honour Gladiator Arena - SoF - 06-09-2011

::ID - Sol.Fenrir::
::Location - Planet Malta::

Hmmm, a tournament?...
Rewards include a cardamine plantation... Just what me and my sweetheart always wanted. I will be able to take care of my future wife and my little brother with this...

Though I do not belong to a family, as I am an ex-slave, I would fight for a family as a gladiator if the fighting ships will include VHFs.

Any nobles interested, contact me over this channel.

It's not said how these gladiators are chosen however. If they are supposed to be part of these families, or if anyone can be recruited... If being part of a family is required for gladiators, ignore this transmission, and forgive my ignorance on these matters.

-Sol.Fenrir out.