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To; Kishiro - Printable Version

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To; Kishiro - Sanford2 - 06-08-2011

***Incoming Video Transmission***
[Image: hamm3.jpg]

Good day, My name is Ted Sanford. I own a small surveying company called Sanford Surveying and Exploration. We do surveying for various businesses and the occasional individual. We had been using a Corvo class cruiser, but due to budget cutbacks it had to be sold off. We also had a Ahourdori class ship operating concurrently, but after not getting a response from Samura for a permit it was put into storage. I was told I might be able to actually speak to someone at Kishiro about getting a permit to use this ship. I am sending the ship name and equipment list.

Name: SSEIS-J.R.Oppeheimer
Weapons: 5 zoner-type gunboat turrets, 2 basic missile turrets.
Hull Reinforcement: Type 1
Sensor Package: Discovery-type
Engine Accelerator: Enhanced-class

Thank you for your time and I await your response.

To; Kishiro - Sanford2 - 06-09-2011

***Auto Re-Transmission***

To; Kishiro - Sanford2 - 06-11-2011

*** Auto Re-Transmission ***
*** 3rd Attempt ***

To; Kishiro - Curios - 06-11-2011

>>incoming transmission::

>>ID: Kami.Kaze
>>Location: Honshu, Planet Honshu. Kishiro Technologies HQ.

[Image: kishiroava.jpg]

>>Video link status: Active
>>Message begins::

Konnichi'wa Sanford-san, don't worry, your message has been recieved and noted for review. Our department of customer relations will review your application in short period of time.

I want to point you out that such things as reviewing an application for ship usage takes some time. We also need some additional information about you before processing the application.

Fill up the following sheet please, it will not take much time.
  • Exact ship name:
    Captain's name:
    Captain's origin:
    Organisation owner's name:
    Organisation owner's origin:
    Juridical adress of your organisation:
    Actual adress of your organisation:
    Organizational form of enterprise:
    Organisation's affilation:
    Ship's affilation:
    Ship's ID:

    Reputation summary:
With regards.

/Signed Rika Sudzuki

To; Kishiro - Sanford2 - 06-11-2011

***Text Transmission***
***Source: Gran Canaris, Omega 49***
***ID: Ted Sanford***
Ms. Sudzuki, Thank you for your response. My administrative department will have that form submitted to you in the next business day. Again, thank you for your time.

To; Kishiro - Curios - 06-11-2011

>>incoming transmission::

>>ID: Kami.Kaze
>>Location: Honshu, Planet Honshu. Kishiro Technologies HQ.

[Image: kishiroava.jpg]

>>Video link status: Active
>>Message begins::

We'll wait for your respond, take your time. Thank you. Good bye.

With regards.

/Signed Rika Sudzuki

To; Kishiro - Dantrithor - 06-11-2011

password: ****

..Password accepted..
..Access Granted.. Welcome [Hajime Irjima]

We would also like to inform you that your request should be forwarded through another more appropiate channel for this ship class. It would be <link>, so your request can be reviewed by a professional advisor panel tasked with granting or denying certain ship classess based on a wide array of conditions.

You are welcome to send a copy of the templated listed by Rika Sudzuki here, also including the questions listed at the welcome page of the linked "Kusari Civilian Technology Council" channel.

Manager Hajime Irjima

..Connection Terminated..

To; Kishiro - Sanford2 - 06-12-2011

***Incoming text file***
***Warning transmission delayed due to relay failure***
***File Received***
Quote:Attn: Rika Sudzuki

Exact ship name:SSEIS-J.R.Oppenheimer
Captain's name:Ted Sanford
Captain's origin:Liberty
Organisation owner's name:Ted Sanford
Organisation owner's origin:Liberty
Juridical adress of your organisation: Sanford Surveying, Suite 105 6th street, Gran Canaria Main Settlement, Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Actual adress of your organisation: Sanford Surveying, Suite 105 6th street, Gran Canaria Main Settlement, Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Organizational form of enterprise: Primarily surveying for small business concerns.
Organisation's affilation: Zoner
Ship's affilation: Zoner
Ship's ID: Zoner

Reputation summary: Standard for a zoner vessel. Neutral to most. Notable exceptions are *redacted* and Xenos.

***Printing complete***
***Transmission complete***

To; Kishiro - Curios - 06-13-2011

// since i'm no longer in kishiro this will be\will be not processed by another Kishiro member. Thanks for attention.